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Hi James,

Now that ballots have been mailed, you may have noticed a sharp uptick in political ads before the May 21st primary. Many of these ads, particularly the ones that attack me with lies, are funded by out-of-state corporation PACs with seemingly unlimited money to spend.

My primary opponent’s corporate friends are doing everything in their power to buy this race. That’s because the thought of an independent voice for Oregonians in Congress is scary to them — they know I can’t be bought, I don’t accept a dime in corporate PAC money, and that I’ll only answer to the folks here in Oregon’s 5th District.

James, can you help us keep pace with our corporate-funded opponent ahead of the primary with a contribution of $10 today? We need to raise $19,391 to meet our goal.

If you saved your information with ActBlue Express clicking a link below will cause your donation to process instantly:

Donate $10 now

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Thanks for whatever support you can give — we’re so grateful to have people like you on our side.

— Jamie


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Paid for by Jamie For Oregon

Jamie for Oregon
PO Box 8750
Bend, OR 97708
United States