May 3, 2024

Permian Basin Washington Fly-In

It was fantastic to join the Midland Chamber of Commerce and Odessa Chamber of Commerce 2024 Washington Fly-in event with over 60 members of our Permian Basin community, including a wonderful group of student leaders at the University of Texas Permian Basin. I had the pleasure of welcoming this fine group of leaders to our nation's capital, hosting a bipartisan panel where we discussed policy solutions to the energy, border, and healthcare issues affecting West Texas, and giving a brief update about my work on behalf of Texas-11.

Midland and Odessa play an important role on the world stage. Our oil and gas industry is at the center of energy, economic, and national security for our nation. There is no better way to tell the story of our region than having this exemplary group in Washington meeting with lawmakers and other leaders.

I am honored to represent a region crucial to energy dominance and American prosperity. Thank you to all the attendees for taking the time to travel to Washington and advocate for the Permian Basin.

I want to especially recognize Evan Thomas, the President and CEO of the Midland Chamber of Commerce, Renee Earls, the President and CEO of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Sandra Woodley, the President of the University of Texas Permian Basin, and all those involved in organizing this visit.

Secretary Granholm Needs to Visit the Permian Basin

Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Jennifer Granholm appeared before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce to defend President Biden’s 2025 DOE Budget Request. I questioned Secretary Granholm over the Biden Administration's decision to halt liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and their anti-American energy agenda. Watch here or below for my full line of questioning.

Blocking President Biden's Anti-Drilling Proposals

I was proud to help author the Alaska's Right to Produce Act with Rep. Pete Stauber, which would block President Biden and the Department of Interior from declining oil and gas leases in the Artice National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This legislation will overturn the president's harmful actions and produce American-made energy.

Since his first day in office, President Biden has waged a war on American energy production. The president has dealt a blow to Alaska's communities and energy consumers by limiting energy development on Alaska's North Slope. This decision contradicts the wishes of Alaskans, who benefit from the jobs and revenue that the responsible production of these resources would create. Watch here or below for my full remarks in support of the legislation.

Restoring Order on College Campuses

I am working on legislation to withhold federal financial aid from student protesters who are convicted of rioting or attacking police officers. In the last several weeks, antisemitic protests and lawlessness have engulfed college campuses.

My legislation is simple: if you assault a police officer, you forfeit your right to federal financial aid. Read more in Fox News here or below.

Blessed to Have My Daughter in D.C.

I am grateful for a week in DC with my daughter by my side. Family is everything, and I couldn't be prouder of my wife Camille and our three exceptional daughters who inspire me every day.

Texas A&M Veterinary Emergency Team

I had a blast meeting with the Texas A&M University Veterinary Emergency Team (VET) during their trip to Washington. VET provides medical support to search-and-rescue teams and resident animals in response to natural or manmade disasters. I enjoyed learning about their program and visiting with the Dean of the A&M Veterinary School, Dr. John August. Thank you all for taking the time to meet with me.

National Small Business Week

This week marked National Small Business Week, a time to recognize and support small business across the country. I am proud to represent thousands of small businesses in Texas-11 and will continue to ensure their doors stay open.

Book Summer Capitol Tours!

If you are visiting Washington D.C. this summer, my office is pleased to offer tours of the U.S. Capitol, and we can also request tours of the White House for you and your group. Visit to book your tour today. The earlier you can get your request in the better.

2024 Congressional App Challenge

My office is now accepting submissions for the 2024 Congressional App Competition. The competition is open to all 6-12 grade students in the 11th Congressional District of Texas and is an opportunity for students to develop their skills in computer science and STEM.

The deadline is October 24th, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET. Students can register and upload their app here.


  • The winner from the 11th Congressional District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be featured on the House of Representatives website,, as well as on The winning app will also be displayed in the U.S. Capitol among other winners from across the country. Additional sponsor prizes to be announced.


  • Students will create an application (aka app) for PC, web, tablet, robot, mobile, etc Any programming such as C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or "block code" will be accepted.
  • There are NO LIMITS on the application theme or topic.
  • Students may work individually or in teams made up of no more than four.

Students are highly encouraged to review the competition’s complete rules and regulations on the Congressional App Challenge's website. For more information, please visit or contact Kathy Keane in the San Angelo Office at [email protected].

Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for daily updates.

Rep. August Pfluger

Member of Congress