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The work must continue and here’s how you can help

Dear Email,

The genocide in Gaza is the current brutal manifestation of the ongoing Nakba that the Palestinian people have faced over the last 76 years. This year, AMP is encouraging its chapters, communities, and partner organizations to partake in educational events, mobilizations, and advocacy centered around the Nakba with the genocide in Gaza unfolding as a backdrop. AMP recommends the following actions/events to encourage community engagement and to advance the cause of Palestine in the U.S. during May: 



  • Lecture/Workshop 

This can consist of a lecture with a local or out-of-town speaker at a local mosque or community center. The topics of discussion can vary but discussions on Gaza as the New Nakba, 1948 Continued, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide, etc are all recommended. Another possible workshop can feature a local imam or scholar who can discuss the matter from an Islamic perspective that can be geared toward the broader community or the youth specifically. This can also consist of a commemorative event with Nakba survivors. 

  • Film Screenings

Films are a great way to educate and leave an impact on a wider audience. Films such as Occupation of the American Mind, Gaza Fights for Freedom, and Naila and the Uprising are great educational tools among many that are easily accessible online

  • Longer Seminars

A longer half-day or full-day seminar is beneficial for communities that want to not only engage in learning from one lecture but also from a series of workshops designed to give community members practical tools to take action for Palestine. If your community is interested in this please contact us at [email protected] as soon as possible. 

  • Khutbas

Work with local imams to deliver the Friday khutba about Palestine. AMP will provide talking points. 


Mobilizations/Direct Actions

  • Nakba March

A march or protest on Nakba Day to commemorate 76 years of ongoing ethnic cleansing and against the genocide in Gaza

  • Flag/Banner Drops

Drop a Palestinian flag from a highway or tall building

  • Strike

Work with local businesses and workers to stage a strike in your town/city



  • Meetings with Elected Officials

Organize meetings with elected officials to discuss Gaza. Talking points and leave-behinds can be provided by the national office. 

  • Push for a Ceasefire Resolution 

Pass a ceasefire resolution or a resolution condemning genocide in Gaza in your local city or township. For more information on this, please contact [email protected]

Please inform us if you decide to organize this year’s Nakba campaign. Provide the type of action, date, and any help needed to put the event/action together. 


In solidarity,
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)


American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging & educating Americans on Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation. AMP is a premier national organization in the Palestine solidarity movement.


American Muslims for Palestine
6404 Seven Corners Place Ste N | Falls Church, Virginia 22044
703.534.3032 | [email protected]

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