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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
Media freedom is under threat—and today, on World Press Freedom Day, we need your help to defend it.

gettyimages-2150869226-jpg.jpgThis week alone, journalists were arrested or charged for trying to report on the Israel-Gaza war protests sweeping U.S. university campuses. More than 20 have been held or assaulted during protest coverage in recent months.

Whatever your view of the protests, getting timely, accurate and reliable information about them is critical to understanding what’s happening—not just at universities but for the broader political landscape, as well.

As we head towards the U.S. election in November, we expect attacks on journalists to ramp up significantly. Already we are seeing politicians go after journalists and media organizations they consider unfavorable.

That puts individual journalists—and our democracy—at risk.

With your help, we can fight back. CPJ is undertaking safety training around the country for hundreds of journalists who will be on the election frontlines. We have produced comprehensive safety guides and will continue to advocate publicly for the protection of press freedom and the first amendment.

On World Press Freedom Day, help us by making a donation to CPJ today.


Jodie Ginsberg,
CEO, Committee to Protect Journalists
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Committee to Protect Journalists
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