I am deeply concerned about misinformation that aims to undermine this movement.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

I’ve been able to visit and speak with student organizers who are leading peaceful protests on college campuses in Massachusetts.

What I’ve seen and heard about is a sense of community — with interfaith prayer, music, teach-ins, and a safe space to grieve and process what’s happening in the world.

Peaceful student protest has long been a catalyst in our movement for justice. Consider the 1960s civil rights movement, the Vietnam War protests, the struggle for gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and the movement for Black lives. Many of the rights we tout today were earned thanks to students demonstrating on college campuses across the country.

The student protests we’re seeing for peace in Israel and Palestine today are no different. Both in their intentions and motivation in solidarity — and in the national responses from those in power that have followed.

That’s why I am deeply concerned about the misinformation that aims to undermine this movement for peace — with outside agitators that detract from peaceful solidarity actions — and the brutality and escalations we’re seeing from law enforcement to students peacefully protesting across the country.

Any conversation about violence on campuses that does not recognize the violence escalated by police is not a good faith conversation. And as a reminder: civil disobedience is not violence.

We absolutely should not repeat the mistakes of generations past, and history has its eyes on us. We must ensure that those exercising their right to free speech are met with dignity, respect, and thoughtful dialogue. Not criminalization and violence.

The work of healing is not possible if we meet trauma with more trauma.

So I call on the Biden Administration, university administrators, and all government officials to prioritize student safety, protect free speech, and ensure that there are no life-altering academic repercussions for peaceful student protestors.

While I continue to monitor the situation on campuses in our district and stand up for the safety of all of our students, I will continue using my position to call for a lasting bilateral ceasefire in Gaza and Israel to save lives, return the hostages, and deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to the region.

From Massachusetts to the Middle East, our destinies are tied. Our collective movement for equity and justice is rooted in radical love.

In solidarity,
