
The modern Democratic Party is the Party of cultural Marxists, radical anti-Semites, and Hamas sympathizers. We CANNOT allow them to maintain their grip on power in Washington.

Battleground states like Arizona, Ohio, and my home state of Texas are going to be ground zero in our fight to take back the Senate Majority from the far-Left. In order to win these states, we need accurate, up-to-date voter information from grassroots patriots like you.

That’s why I’m inviting you to participate in the 2024 SENATE BATTLEGROUND ASSESSMENT.


Now is your opportunity to help formulate the GOP’s policy agenda, organize our campaign strategy, and do your part to defeat corrupt Democrat candidates nationwide.

The Republican Party has ALWAYS been able to count on your support in the past, Patriot. Now, we’re asking you to step up once more by taking our MOST IMPORTANT SURVEY EVER.

Take part in the 2024 SENATE BATTLEGROUND ASSESSMENT before the survey window CLOSES at midnight tonight. >>

Final Request Complete The Battleground Assessment

Thank you, 

Ted Cruz Headshot
Ted Cruz
U.S. Senator from Texas






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