Mises Institute
Friday, May 3, 2024
The TikTok Ban Is the Next Patriot Act
Aaron Sobczak
Congress seems poised to go after TikTok because China’s government allegedly uses it to spy on Americans. Besides dealing with a nonexistent threat, the bill gives the federal government vast new powers to misuse.
Want More Government Revenue? Just Write More Traffic Tickets.
Ryan Wardle
Many police traffic stops are not about safety or protecting the public. They are about siphoning cash from motorists to state and local governments.
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Why the GOP Betrayed Its Own Voters on Ukraine
US foreign policy is not driven by a mass movement on the ground in favor of more intervention.
Is America Headed for Stagflation?
Ryan and Tho are joined by Peter St. Onge to discuss the state and trajectory of the American economy.
Robert Kagan Goes on a Tear
Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institute clearly does not like anyone to challenge his pro-war beliefs. In his view, any opposition to the all-powerful American state is opposition to everything good and true.
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What Can Carl Menger Teach Us about Falafel Sandwiches?
What better way to explain the relationship between higher-order and lower-order goods than with food? Here, we look at the falafel sandwich.
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Creating Wealth: The Cantillon or the Smith Way
Although mainstream economists hold that Adam Smith is the father of modern economics, it was Richard Cantillon that recognized the centrality of entrepreneurship in economic development. 
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A Message from the Great Dr. Ron Paul
Dr. Ron Paul in Lake Jackson, Texas.
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