New on First
Right: Ken Cuccinelli's Crusade
to Defend America’s Elections from the Radical
Join First Right Podcast host Hayden Ludwig as Ken Cuccinelli takes
us to the front lines of his fight to roll back the Left’s assault on
how Americans elect their leaders. From Virginia Attorney General, to
senior Trump administration official battling illegal immigration, Ken
now serves as national chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative working to undo
the damage done to our election system since 2020.
You don’t want to miss Ken’s insights on how conservatives are
enhancing ballot security, protecting voter ID laws, and ensuring the
vote of every American is counted. The Election Transparency
Initiative’s mission is to ensure even the losing side has confidence
in each election outcome.
Watch now to learn more about what conservatives
are doing to fix the shameful state of America’s election system and
how you can get involved to turn it around.
