Fellow Conservative

Chip was on 🔥 last month and we wanted to make sure that you saw the highlights.
1. ⛲Chip threw the kitchen sink at the Uniparty in an attempt to stop the Ukraine aid boondoggle.
  • While the U.S. southern border remains dangerously open, Congress passed a bill to send almost $100 billion abroad on various foreign wars. 
  • Chip moved procedural motions against his own party in an attempt to kill the bill.
  • 💰📜 Did you read Chip's statement on the Ukraine Uniparty Boondoggle? You can find it here.
2. 📣 Chip called out Democrats for waving Ukraine's flag on the House floor.

Only American flags should be displayed in Congress — this should be self-evident. But it's not to some radical progressives. 
3. 🚨 Chip is trying to stop George Soros from taking over 200+ radio stations.
  • Liberal billionaire George Soros made a bid to takeover Audacy, the second-largest broadcast radio station owner in the country.
  • Soros is asking for special approval from the Federal Communications Commission to get the deal done quickly before the November election. 
  • Read more on here.
4. 🔬 Chip continues to lead the fight to secure the Southern Border. 
  • In March, Border Patrol encountered 189,372 migrants at our Southern Border.
  • Even Democrats have had enough of open borders. A new poll indicates that 42% of Democrats now support mass deportations.
5. Some other highlights...
  • Remember how the federal government trampled on your rights during COVID? 😷💉😷
    • Chip hasn't forgotten.
    • He led a hearing on the topic and still wants a Covid reckoning. You can read more about it here.
  • 📜 Still believe in the Constitution?
    • So does Chip. He voted this month to tell the government to get a warrant to spy on Americans. You can read more about Chip's battle to defend your 4th Amendment rights here
  • 💸💰💸Should Members of Congress be allowed to trade stocks while serving the Americans people? Chip doesn't think so.
    • That's why he introduced the TRUST in Congress Act to put a stop to it.
    • 📺: The Blaze featured Chip Roy in its documentary on congressional stock trading. You can watch it here
  • 📣 Do you want to defund the Left?
    • Chip spoke on that exact topic at the Heritage Foundation in April. Watch it here.
This is only a snippet of Chip's highlights from the past month. Be sure to follow Chip's X account for the most up-to-date news.

Just know this - nobody is fighting harder for you in Washington than Chip Roy.

For America,

Team Chip
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