Dear Members & Supporters,

I hope you're doing well as you can during this stressful time. Some of you may know that, along with being the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning's chair, I am also a nurse practitioner. We're all doing our part to keep the community safe in the midst of COVID-19 -- whether that's telemedicine (like myself), supporting the "front lines" in person, or staying at home and observing social distancing.

While these unprecedented events are unnerving, to say the least, I'm so proud to see our community take the call to action during this time of need. This week is National Public Health Week, and a fitting time to give our sincere thanks to those who fight childhood lead poisoning -- and now COVID-19. Many of CPLP's partners are providing medical care or direct services to the most vulnerable in our region. 

We can't do this without you. Thank you. 

While we say thanks, we also want to encourage our members and supporters to help your community organizations providing critical care. If you can, consider supporting our front-lines medical providers by:
  • Donating personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves.  
  • Making homemade masks.
  • Giving financial support. 
  • Practicing social distancing.
For more information on getting involved, visit United Way of Greater Rochester's website here.

To learn more about what it means to social distance, visit the Monroe County Dept. of Public Health's website here

Don't forget to wash your hands, stay inside when you can, stay 6 feet apart from others when you can't, and observe universal masking recommendations. Again, our sincerest thanks  -- we can't maintain our coalition without our partner's steadfast dedication to our community.

Wishing you well,
Mel Callan
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning Chair
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