John, I know this is a long email – but I wanted to make sure I had a chance to share some critical information with you.
Suzan DelBene

John, I know this is a long email – but I wanted to make sure I had a chance to share some critical information with you. It would mean the world to me if you would read the whole thing – but if you’re short on time, will you chip in $15 before midnight? >>

John – when I signed on to be Democratic House Party Chair, I knew I was in for a challenge.

Republicans have a rolodex of special-interest donors ready to funnel cash so they can expand their RAZOR-THIN majority.

And they have $55 MILLION in the bank to spend on vicious attack ads to smear our Democrats.

I’m hard at work to hand Mike Johnson and his MAGA allies a resounding defeat. But I’ll continue to need the support of grassroots Democrats like you every step of the way. I’m personally asking: Can I count on you to chip in $15 before midnight? >>

John, the Republican Party has become the party of election deniers, conspiracy theorists, and MAGA extremists.

The honest truth is:

This election is not only a fight for the House majority, it is a fight for our democracy. 

As House Democratic Party Chair, I’m leading the charge against these dangerous attacks. There is far too much at stake to sit on the sidelines. Can you rush in $15 before midnight so we can make sure Democrats WIN this monumental struggle for our democracy? >>

John, this moment could not be more critical.

MAGA Republicans in Congress are pushing to ban abortion, decimate Social Security, and repeal the Affordable Care Act.

As House Democratic Party Chair, I will make sure they never get the chance to implement their dangerous, far-right agenda.

John, I’m grateful you took the time to listen to me today. Will you take your support to the next level by chipping in $15 before midnight? >>

Thank you,


Democratic Majority Fund
499 S Capitol St SW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20003
United States
Paid for by Democratic Majority Fund

Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

As DCCC Chair, she’s fighting to help working families, flip the House, and protect America from Republicans’ dangerous agenda.

We know you’re receiving a lot of emails – but it’s only because what we’re fighting for is so important.

Suzan is committed to doing whatever it takes to elect a record-breaking number of Democrats in 2024 and beyond. Can we count on your support?


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