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Dear Progressive reader,

There have been few other times in recent history when truth and democracy have been in such imminent danger. There is so much news to pay attention to in an election year (especially one in which the frontrunner for the Republican nomination faces numerous criminal charges), but one thing is clear: It is crucial to stay informed through fact-based, accurate, and investigative reporting. 

As Professor Heather Cox Richardson told me in an interview for our most recent issue of The Progressive, “A Trump presidency will end American democracy.” Donald Trump has made his priorities clear, and none of them include preserving democracy, building climate resilience, nor creating equitable systems that allow all Americans to thrive.

Although we are well past the season of New Year’s resolutions, now is the perfect time to reflect: What do I stand for? What world do I imagine for the future and how can I do my part to organize and make it happen?

Independent nonprofit media plays a crucial role in answering these questions. Here at The Progressive, we draw on our 115-year history as a voice for peace and social justice while delivering stories about the most pressing issues of our time. 

My interest in journalism has always stemmed from wanting to deliver stories to readers about community-driven efforts to make the world a better place. In college, I covered free community fridge programs and union drives at local coffee shops. I dreamed of working at a place like The Progressive, which centers stories of organizing, resistance, and a profound hope that it is not too late to change things. 

Since starting as associate editor at The Progressive (after working as an editorial intern and editorial assistant), and moving back to Illinois from Massachusetts, I have now had the opportunity to visit the office in Madison, Wisconsin, and meet many of the people—in person, finally!—whose passion and expertise allow high-quality and important independent journalism to reach our readers. 

As we continue to expand our reach in terms of contributors, readers, social media channels, and more, I feel a sense of momentum. And while there is much to worry about in the world, there is also much to hope for, and at the center of progressivism is having enough hope to work to build a more just and equitable future.  

What I love most about my role at The Progressive is being part of the publication of pieces that provide a public service. We produce underreported stories through a local and national lens, showing our readers that people in all corners of the country are working tirelessly towards peace and justice. Through stories in The Progressive, I and our readers have been introduced to grassroots movements protecting the environment, advocating for Indigenous rights, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, and much more. 

You can be part of this, too. Now more than ever, The Progressive needs the support of our loyal readers. Our financial and editorial independence is what allows us to deliver investigative and fact-based coverage of politics, education, labor, disability rights, foreign policy, and the concerns of everyday people. 

We cannot do this without you. Please consider making a donation today—whether it is $5, $10, $50, $100, or more—to support us in continuing to produce high-quality stories in print and online that keep people informed and help to sustain their hope. 

Thank you for your support and for reading The Progressive
Donate Now!

In solidarity,

Michaela Brant
Associate Editor

P.S. – Please consider becoming a monthly sustainer and help to keep us on an even keel all year round. It truly will make a difference in our ability to continue this work. Please contact our office at 1-800-827-0555 if you are looking for other ways to support this work! 

P.P.S. – If you have already made a donation, thank you, it means a great deal to us. If you have not, please click here and give a gift today. We also invite you to share this message with a friend or family member that you think may also wish to support our work.

P.P.P.S. - We have recently partnered with to offer a new service to our supporters. FreeWill is a secure, online tool that will take you through the will preparation process step by step. If you have a simple estate, you can print your legal will to be signed and witnessed. If you have a more complex estate, the same tools will help you document your wishes and help find a qualified attorney near you to finalize your plans.


The Progressive, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and your contribution, minus the value of any goods or services rendered, is therefore deductible for federal income tax purposes to the full extent of the law. Federal Tax ID: 39-0773233
Copyright © 2024 The Progressive, Inc.

PO Box 1021 • Madison, Wisconsin 53703 • (608) 257-4626

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