May 3, 2024


I hope you and your family are well! I wanted to provide you with a few updates regarding what's going on –

Pro-Hamas Protests Terrorize College Campuses

Across the nation, pro-Hamas protestors are shutting down college campuses.

Jewish students who have paid for an education are being barred from going to class, the library, and just freely walking on campus by radical pro-Hamas protestors.

Each school that allows these protestors to violate the rights of students, especially Jewish students, should be defunded and find new leadership.

These pro-Hamas protesters deny the reality of Hamas' evil actions and desire to eradicate Israel. They believe their own opinion instead of verifiable facts.

Let me be clear, these protestors are standing against Israel for defending itself from extermination, rape, and the violent murder of Israelis.

Tomorrow, Upstate Voices for Palestine - a group from Greenville - is planning a pro-Palestine protest at Clemson University.

While I support free speech, that does not mean the right to terrorize or cause violence.

I encourage President Clements to call in law enforcement at the first sign of aggression to protect Jewish students on campus.

As an alumnus of Clemson, I don't want to see my alma mater turned into the chaos we have seen at Columbia or UCLA.

Here's the wake-up call for any pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers that choose to make this protest violent like the ones at UCLA and Columbia, the Third District proudly stands with our ally Israel.

We do not support the horrific murder and rape of Israelis by evil Hamas terrorists.

I am glad to share one silver lining amidst these vile protests. At the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, a group of students stood guard over the American flag so protestors could not remove it and hoist the Palestinian Flag on American soil.

Hold the line Patriots—some college students refuse to be indoctrinated.

Keep Old Glory flying high guys!


Trump Targeted... Again

Every American needs to be watching the left's playbook in harassing President Trump. They attack him daily—waging war in the court of public opinion.

Yet, they take away President Trump's voice and his ability to defend himself from the two-tiered system of justice.

This week, President Trump was fined $9,000 by Judge Merchan for violating the gag order that stops Trump from defending himself from the attacks from the radical left.

Reversing Biden's War on Energy

The National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is legally set aside for one purpose: energy production. Joe Biden's limiting leases in the area is the latest in his over 170 regulatory actions that makes it harder to produce and deliver American energy.

This week, I voted in favor of H.R. 6285 to stop the Biden Administration from ending the production of energy in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

Biden unilaterally decided to cancel lease sales for the harvesting of energy in an area that the Nation literally designated for energy development.

This vote was to reverse part of Biden's war on energy!

Also this week, I Chaired a Subcommittee hearing on the Department of Energy's (DOE) FY25 budget request.

It's clear the DOE has abandoned its mission and is recklessly spending taxpayer money.

The DOE is focused on "transitioning" everyone off of fossil fuels, stripping away American's freedom to choose energy sources, and a complete withdrawal from common-sense energy policies that ensure reliable, affordable, and clean energy for Americans.

I will continue to fight for an all-the-above energy policy, and work to rein in the out-of-control DOE!

Protecting Hunters & Anglers

Hunters and anglers are the leading conservationists. We respect the land and invest in protecting it.

On Tuesday, I voted for H.R. 615 to stop the Department of Agriculture from limiting access to Federal lands for hunters or anglers who use lead ammo or tackle.

I'm proud to fight on behalf of my fellow sportsmen.

I am also leading an appropriations request with several of my colleagues to prevent any federal dollars from being used to issue a regulation that would prohibit the use of lead ammo and tackle on National Wildlife Refugees.

America's Nuclear Renaissance

Congratulations to Georgia Power on Vogtle Unit 4 coming online!

The Nuclear renaissance is coming, and I'm proud to be leading the charge in Congress for this reliable, affordable, and clean energy.


What's Happening in Washington

This week, I joined Congressman August Pfluger in speaking to the Midland-Odessa Chamber of Commerce during their visit to Washington.

We discussed the urgent need to build the wall to stop Biden's border crisis and my work Chairing the Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security to combat Biden's war on energy.


Visit the Capitol

Looking to make sure your kids understand how their government is supposed to work? Want to experience the history of Congress?

Then schedule a Capitol tour here!


Legislative Action

I cosponsored H.R. 8208, Rep. Mark Green's bill that prohibits federal funds from being used to enforce the Bureau of Industry and Security's new rule which pauses new export licenses involving firearms, firearm parts, and ammo.

I cosponsored H.J.Res. 136, Rep. John James' resolution to prevent the EPA?s rule that mandates zero emissions from cars by 2032 from taken affect.  

I cosponsored H.R. 8181. Rep. Marie Glusenkamp Perez's bill which would prevent a Consumer Product Safety Commission rule on table saw finger detection from creating monopolies in the table saw and woodworking industry. 

I cosponsored H.Res.1183, Rep. Russell Fry's resolution commending the University of South Carolina women's basketball team for winning their third National Championship.

In the District

This year's Kentucky Derby has a tie to Clemson University! Sierra Leone is a colt owned by Brook Smith, a 1989 Clemson alumnus. The Kentucky Derby will run tomorrow. Be sure to cheer on a fellow Clemson Tiger as Sierra Leone goes for the win.

Laurens County Water & Sewer Commission has began a $14 million upgrade to it's infrastructure for the northern part of the county. These expansions will take 5-10 years to complete, but will support the rapid growth for the community.

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS) honored Easley Police Officer Matthew Hare by inducting him into the South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers Hall of Fame. Hare was killed in the line of duty in 2023 while working to protect a citizen in distress. Thank you to the SCDPS for honoring Matthew's memory.  

It is an honor to serve the Third District of South Carolina. Should you or your family need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact my office directly.

Blessings and Liberty,
Jeff Duncan
Member of Congress

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