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Dear Friends,

Welcome to this week's edition of "The People's Congress," where I provide insights into the recent activities in Congress. As your prospective representative for California's 34th Congressional District, my goal is to foster transparency and drive meaningful change that aligns with our community's values.
This Week in Congress:

This past week, Congress was in session for a busy legislative session. The House voted from Monday to Wednesday, adjusting the schedule to honor the late Representative Donald Payne Jr. (D-NJ) whose funeral took place on Thursday.
Reflections on Key Legislation:
Antisemitism on College Campuses:

The Antisemitism Awareness Act passed the floor, with a total of 320 YEAS and 91 NAYS. The bill in question was messaged as legislation that would stem the tide of antisemitism. However, in reality this bill was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to stifle free speech and make any rhetoric against Israel legally defined as antisemitic/hate speech. 

Instead of defending every American’s First Amendment rights, Jimmy Gomez decided to not vote, as to avoid upsetting AIPAC and the donors aligned with the pro-Israel lobby. Effective legislation should strike a balance, ensuring robust protections against antisemitism and hate speech, while respecting the foundational values of open dialogue and intellectual freedom public and private spaces, like our educational institutions but legislation like the one passed this week, does the very opposite, and criminalizes anyone who speaks out against the government of Israel as being anti-Semitic. It’s clear that AIPAC and Israeli interests have bought our Congressmembers.

Immigration and Public Safety:

A resolution was passed this week criticizing the current administration's immigration policies, alleging that they have led to a public safety crisis. While ensuring public safety is undoubtedly crucial, I believe our approach to immigration must be rooted in humanity and effectiveness, and not fear. According to my platform on human-centered immigration, we should embrace policies that uphold the dignity of all individuals and foster a welcoming environment, rather than invoking fear and division. Our strength as a community and a nation lies in our ability to implement compassionate and practical immigration solutions.

Energy and Environmental Policy:

The House voted on the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act, aimed at reinstating oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as well as the Superior National Forest Restoration Act, which removes previous restrictions on mineral exploration in Minnesota. While I recognize the economic considerations driving these actions, I firmly believe that our policies must focus on combating climate change and protecting our environment, rather than boosting the profits of oil companies and major polluters. Our future depends on sustainable and environmentally responsible decision-making.

Wildlife Conservation and Hunting Regulations:

Legislation such as the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act and the Trust the Science Act, which removes gray wolves from the endangered species list, were also on the floor. I support sensible wildlife management that respects both conservation goals and the rights of our community members who hunt and fish responsibly.
Additional Legislative Updates:
  • The 21st Century Peace through Strength Act was signed into law and included language that would effectively ban TikTok in the United States, if the company is not sold within the next 9 months. I do not support this ban.

    This legislation was incredibly rushed, and lacked the nuance necessary to tackle the very real data-privacy concerns of the 21st century. Like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I believe we must prioritize comprehensive data privacy legislation that addresses the root issue of data harvesting by all companies, not just TikTok. We need a balanced approach that protects both our national security and the civil liberties of all Americans. This bill falls short of doing that.
  • Discussions on the FY25 budget are underway. I am committed to advocating for a budget that supports healthcare, education, and economic opportunities for working class Americans and low-income families. 
Recap of Key Congressional Hearings:
  • The House Natural Resources Committee held a hearing titled “Examining the Influence Of Extreme Environmental Activist Groups in the Department of the Interior.”
  • The House Appropriations Committee conducted a hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget request for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
  • The House Judiciary Committee hosted a hearing on the alleged weaponization of the federal government.
As we look forward to continuing our dialogue on these issues, I am dedicated to representing your views and interests on Capitol Hill. Let's work together to create a more equitable and just society.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Your active participation is crucial as we strive to make informed decisions that reflect our collective values and aspirations.

Warm regards,

David Kim
Your Candidate for Congress, CA-34
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