Supreme corruption demands supreme transparency.

John, some friends expect benefits.


And when it comes to the right-wing political operatives on our Supreme Court and their friendships with right-wing powerbrokers, those “benefits” come with major consequences for the rest of us.


This is why we teamed up with some brilliant colleagues at Revolving Door Project and True North Research to dive into hundreds of amicus briefs — also known as “friend of the court” briefs — to see exactly who is weighing in on cases before the court this term.


What did we uncover? A web of shady connections between the Supreme Court’s conservative justices, right-wing organizations weighing in on cases, and the major donors funding them — all sharing the unified goal of rolling back our rights and freedoms.



After a series of bombshell news reports, we now know Justices Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, and Neil Gorsuch have some… let’s say…  questionable pals in the right-wing movement. But those people aren’t just buying influence over the Supreme Court’s decisions with fancy international vacations and private dinners.


In many cases, they’re also backing right-wing groups — sitting on their advisory boards, funding them, and more. And these groups are filing briefs in support of preemptively blocking a tax for the ultra-wealthy, letting South Carolina dilute Black voters’ voices at the ballot box, attacking the agency in charge of protecting us from abusive and exploitative corporations like exploitative payday lenders, and so much more.


Our rights, our freedoms, and the ways we are able to live shouldn’t be determined at a backroom cocktail party attended by the worst people you’ve ever (and never) heard of. But under the corrupt Roberts Court, that’s what we’re facing: a judiciary where you can buy sway at the court through souped-up R.V.s and through your dark money group’s legal briefs.

This is what Trump and Mitch McConnell envisioned when they packed this illegitimate court with far-right political operatives. And every day the justices continue to act unethically with impunity, more of our rights come under fire.


Supreme corruption demands supreme transparency. That’s why we’re asking you to get the word out about this website by sharing it on Bluesky, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X, and anywhere else you like to post. 


If you aren’t on social media platforms, please consider simply forwarding this email to your networks far and wide — so we can amplify the call to reform this broken court so loudly that it cannot be ignored.


Together, we can make it clear that this is just one way that the Supreme Court is deeply, fundamentally broken — and that reforming and rebalancing the bench is urgent and necessary.

Thank you for your partnership in this important fight for the court’s integrity. We couldn’t do any of this work without you.


Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President, Take Back the Court Action Fund