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The Latest at FSC

FSC Statement on Supreme Court Denial in Texas Case

While the Supreme Court has denied our application to stay the Fifth Circuit’s decision upholding age verification requirements in Texas, our petition for full merits review before the Supreme Court remains pending. We look forward to continuing this challenge, and others like it, in the federal courts. The ruling by the Fifth Circuit remains in direct opposition to decades of Supreme Court precedent, and we remain hopeful that the Supreme Court will grant our petition for certiorari and reaffirm its lengthy line of cases applying strict scrutiny to content-based restrictions on speech like those in the Texas statute we’ve challenged. We will continue to fight for the right to access the internet without intrusive government oversight. Read more here.
FSC In the News
Video: FSC's Alison Boden Testifies Before California Assembly Committee Regarding Age Verification 

“Free Speech Coalition Executive Director Alison Boden testified before the California Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, in opposition to the state’s version of the age verification bills being sponsored around the country by anti-porn religious conservative activists.” Read more on XBIZ.
Justice Alito Won't Block Texas From Enforcing Internet Age Verification LawJ

“The Free Speech Coalition, who brought the original case, have filed a cert petition for the Supreme Court to hear the case. On the same day, they also filed an emergency petition on what is generally known as the ‘shadow docket,’ asking for the court to stop the enforcement of the law, at least until the Supreme Court has reviewed their cert petition.” Read more on TechDirt.
Age Vericiation: FSC's Mike Stabile Reports from the Front Lines

“As the adult industry’s trade group, FSC has been at the forefront of the fight against these age verification bills. For the last few years, Stabile has been a committed voice against censorship speaking before state legislatures, engaging with the — often misinformed — mainstream press and through his influential account.” Read more on XBIZ.
Other Industry News
Supreme Court Allows, for Now, Texas Restricting Access to Porn

“As is the court’s custom in rulings on emergency applications, its brief order gave no reasons. There were no noted dissents. A petition seeking review of an appeals court’s ruling upholding the law remains pending.” Read more on The New York Times.
Kanye West Announces 'Yeezy Porn' Amid Reports of Adult Film Company

“Kanye West appeared to confirm reports that he has plans to launch an adult entertainment studio. On Wednesday, the Vultures rapper tweeted a six second clip with the word ‘Yeezy Porn Is Cumming’ while a voice directed viewers to ‘go to’” Read more on RollingStone.
Australia's Govt. Funds Age Verification Pilot Program

“As part of its efforts to combat gender-based violence against women, the government of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced funding to test age verification for pornography websites in a pilot program. This move came after Albanese and the national cabinet ruled in 2023 that mandatory age verification was not yet an option.” Read more on AVN.
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