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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
Today is World Press Freedom Day, and we are asking for your support.

As journalists around the world risk everything to bring us vital information that shapes our lives, they need our help more than ever to ensure they’re able to do their jobs safely and without fear of reprisal.

From Ukraine, where journalists work amid Russia’s bombardment, to Gaza, where Israeli airstrikes have killed dozens of members of the press, journalists courageously document historical moments so the world knows what’s happening.

They have been censored and imprisoned, targeted and attacked—simply for doing their jobs.

Even in the United States and in other democracies, the risks to journalists are growing. With this year’s election quickly approaching, the vilification of journalists and the erosion of trust in the media creates a worrying climate, and the consequences of inaction would be devastating.

That’s why, at CPJ, we’re working tirelessly—with your support leading the way—to safeguard the rights and lives of journalists globally. 

This World Press Freedom Day, to be a part of that effort, we urge you to:
  • Donate: whether a one-time gift, a matched gift, a monthly donation, or gifts of stock and other securities, you’ll be protecting the press when they needed it most.
  • Spread awareness: share our message on social media and raise the profile of the challenges journalists face today.
  • Demand action: Contact your elected representatives. Urge them to stand up for press freedom around the globe by passing the PRESS Act or demanding the release of imprisoned journalists like José Rubén Zamora in Guatemala or Pham Doan Trang in Vietnam. There are many ways to make noise today.
Freedom of the press is the hallmark of a free society. It allows us to hold the powerful to account, shed light on injustice, and keeps us informed. 

Please join us in defending this fundamental right. After all, press freedom is your freedom.


John D. Weis
Director of Development and Outreach
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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States