May 3 2024
CNN Accused of ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Spinning’ Bombshell DOJ Story About Kristen Clarke
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Critics slam a CNN report on the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division head, Kristen Clarke, as a form of “propaganda” and “journalistic malpractice.”
EXCLUSIVE: Harvesting Voters? These Left-Wing Groups Are Teaming With USDA
By Fred Lucas

The U.S. Department of Agriculture teams up with left-wing groups to help drive voter turnout.
Biden Botched Financial Aid Rollout. And It’s Parents and Students Who Are Paying the Price.
By Kevin Roberts, Lindsey Burke

The Biden administration’s disastrous rollout of a new financial aid application leaves tens of thousands of families in the dark about their students’ future.
Those Who Attack Israel ‘Are After the US Just the Same,’ Knesset Member Warns
By Virginia Allen

Terrorists in the Middle East don’t despise America only because the U.S. supports Israel, but because America is a Western society, a member of the Israeli Knesset says.
How to Stop the Campus Antisemitism Cascade
By Paul J. Larkin, Lindsey Burke

The malignant tumor of antisemitism needs to be removed. Here’s how colleges can start the surgery.
The Biden Administration Has Redefined ‘Sex.’ What Does That Mean for Schools?
By Jonathan Butcher, Lindsey Burke

The Biden administration redefines “sex” to include gender identity, leaving K-12 educators around the country wondering what to do next.
The Uber Eats Revolution: Why Disruptive Ivy League Rioters Demand Free Food
By Jarrett Stepman

Rioters who attack universities and occupy buildings are demanding the universities feed them. The universities have only themselves to blame for this absurdity.
ICYMI: ‘She Lied Under Oath’: Sen. Mike Lee Calls for DOJ’s Kristen Clarke to Resign
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, demands the resignation of Kristen Clarke, head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.

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