771 dogs are counting on us.
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This is an emergency alert. The NIH is about to ram through more funding. 771 beagles are imprisoned. Worms will eat their hearts & lungs. Read below to help them. Or unsubscribe
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Taxpayer—bumping this campaign one last time.
The deadline to help is just a few minutes away.
771 dogs are counting on us.
P.S. Please send help! Here’s your secure link: www.whitecoatwaste.org/Taxpayer
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Taxpayer, I’m horrified.
For the last 19 years, our government has been purchasing heartworms from TRS
Labs in Georgia.
700 beagles are imprisoned here. Puppies are turned into living, breathing Petri
dishes—incubators for parasites. All will be slaughtered.
IN JUST A FEW DAYS , the National Institutes of Health will likely grant more money to the lab
keeping this heartworm factory in business.
HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: Take immediate action to help us block payout #5R01AI047194. Please save 700
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[[link removed]] Actual screenshot from NIH RePORTER—our government’s database of payouts for
animal experiments.
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Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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Taxpayer, here’s everything you need to know:
* Intentionally Infected: First, she's injected with heartworm larvae. For 6 months, worms feast on her heart and lungs.
* Devastating Symptoms: She’ll develop a persistent cough. Her belly swells up. She’ll be skinny and
exhausted 24/7 as the heartworms steal her nutrients.
* Slaughtered: Once the worms mature, she’ll be slaughtered. They'll harvest her heart and
sell the adult worms. Another cycle of abuse is about to begin! Wash, rinse, repeat.
* Your Tax Bill? $6.1 MILLION!
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Actual lab papers describing the heartworm experiments, written by the
experimenters themselves.
Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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And the most heartbreaking and infuriating part, Taxpayer?
Heartworm is completely curable. These beagles could be treated and retired as pets.
But lazy TRS white coats can’t be bothered. It’s more convenient to kill them
and throw them away— like trash.
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Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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Taxpayer, WCW is the ONLY group campaigning to end this
We're the ONLY group working to release the survivors—but we’re up against a hard government deadline.
The most effective way to stop a dog lab is to stop the funding before it’s renewed—BEFORE the abuse starts.
Please rush an urgent gift of $7.71
[[link removed]] — just 1¢ per dog at TRS Labs! Help fund all our campaigns and BLOCK payout #5R01AI047194!
Taxpayer, let's get this done.
Jennifer Imhoff
Internal Communications Manager
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, we are the very best at what we do. In fact, WCW is the ONLY group to shut down government dog labs
in nearly 20 years!
With your help, we can win this campaign, too—and give 700 dogs a second chance
at life.
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Thanks for your consideration.
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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[[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog.
Contributions are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
You are receiving this email at
[email protected]
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543