
Like you, I was shocked by the actions of Hamas against the people of Israel.

Students For Liberty has many volunteers in Israel, including two who have presented themselves for military service. Fortunately, they are safe and well. 

Unfortunately, we can't say the same for all of our volunteers in the USA. 

We have witnessed a wave of antisemitism and support for terrorism spreading in American universities.

At Harvard, dozens of student groups signed onto a letter on the day of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, holding Israel "entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” even as reports of the brutal murders, rapes, and kidnappings filled the news.

An op-ed in the Daily by Stanford Students for Justice in Palestine described the terrorist attacks in Israel as “part of the protracted struggle against settler-colonial oppression.”

In New York, the president of NYU's Student Bar Association wrote that "Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life."

At George Washington University, students chanted, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," clearly indicating what they believe should be the fate of Israelis.

I'd like to believe that these are isolated phenomena that won't have a significant impact on society. However, I know that's not the case.

My name is Dr. Wolf von Laer, and I am the CEO of Students For Liberty. Students For Liberty (SFL) is an international pro-liberty organization focused on educating and training young people with the leadership skills needed to spread the message of liberty, free markets, and entrepreneurship.

My goal is to raise $25,000 online before the end of the week to empower our student activists on college campuses. Click here to donate today >>


So, what do we find in American universities today?

To effectively combat these misguided notions, we must address them at their source: educational institutions.

Students For Liberty educates, develops, and empowers college students to share the ideas of liberty with their peers and inspire others to join us in creating a freer world. 

The ideologies instilled in today's youth shape tomorrow's society. That's why it's crucial to act now to ensure that the principles of freedom are not lost on the next generation.

Your generous support goes a long way toward our mission. Please consider chipping in $100, $50, $35, or even just $10 today.

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What is discussed and promoted in universities matters. It matters to the students on campus, and it matters to society.

We've seen this story before. In the 1970s, far-left ideas radicalized university students into terrorists worldwide, including in the U.S.

At the University of Michigan, a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) founded the Weather Underground, a terrorist group aiming to "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and the creation of a classless communist world."

Jane Alpert was radicalized while studying at Columbia. The Symbionese Liberation Army had its origins at the University of California, Berkeley.

Even genocidal leaders like Pol Pot and many other communist leaders spent time studying in Paris and became radicalized by Marxist thought.

The ideas cultivated in universities matter. That’s why our volunteers need your support to spread the ideas of freedom.

Today, freedom may seem fragile, but we know how to protect it and make it a reality. Our role as champions of liberty is to turn the impossible into the inevitable.

This is the mission of Students For Liberty, and we're already making significant progress. But this work is only possible with your support. 

Your generous donation empowers students to make the world a freer place. Please click any button below to give today.

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Thank you,

Dr. Wolf von Laer
Chief Executive Officer
Students For Liberty

P.S. SFL proudly refuses any money or resources from governments or affiliated institutions. We are 100% funded by individuals like you who are eager to create a free world — not in 100 years, but today!

In the words of John Mackey, founder and former CEO of Whole Foods, one of our board members:

“My generation is not going to change their views; they made them up a long time ago. My hope is in the youth. Students For Liberty is having a worldwide impact, affecting tens of thousands and, eventually, hundreds of thousands and millions of young people who will create the future. I don't know how I can spend my time or philanthropic dollars more effectively than by giving them to SFL.

Every dollar invested in SFL brings us closer to a freer future. Please click below to donate today.




Students For Liberty is a nonprofit organization formed under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to Students For Liberty are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. No goods or services are given in exchange for any contribution.

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