Dear Friend,
I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach us via our Contact Us page or by calling 202-225-5031.
Passport Acceptance Event
My staff will be hosting a passport acceptance event in Brookhaven on May 7, 2024. If you need to update your passport or need to obtain your first passport, we hope you will join us. Passport experts will be there to help answer any questions. Find more information here or in the flyer below.
Meeting with Local Mississippi Leaders
This week, I was honored to meet with Mayor Jimmie Smith and Public Works Director David Hodge of Meridian.

I also met with leaders from Madison County, Mississippi. I’m always thankful for opportunities to meet with our local elected officials as we work together to make our communities great places to live, worship, and raise a family.
National Small Business Week
As we celebrate Small Business Week, I am proud to represent many small businesses across our district. Small businesses play an important role both in our communities and in our economy. I will always fight government red tape to allow our small businesses to grow and thrive.
Poll Results from Last Week
Last week, I asked for your input on President Biden’s decision to change the definition of “sex” under Title IX to include gender identity, and 93% of survey respondents said they did not agree with President Biden. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X to stay up-to-date on my work serving you.
Pushing Back on the Biden Administration’s Disastrous Energy Policies
1. As the Biden Administration continues to restrict access to our public lands and waters and threaten the rural way of life, House Republicans are standing up for local communities across America by advancing policies that conserve our resources, expand multiple uses, and promote proper stewardship of federal lands and waters for generations to come.
2. With China, Russia, and other adversaries aggressively expanding their malign influence across the globe, it’s time to say yes to the safe, reliable, and environmentally-friendly development of America’s abundant natural resources.
3. While Biden’s bureaucrats enact rogue policy decisions with the stroke of a pen, House Republicans understand that states know best. We’re returning power back to the communities, tribes, and local leaders who have stewarded our resources for generations.
4. Just two weeks ago, Biden’s Bureau of Land Management enacted a final rule that would cut off access for hundreds of western communities that depend on multiple uses of their public lands. The WEST Act would reverse that devastating rule and ensure no administration will implement it in the future.
5. Through state license fees, stamps, permits and federal excise taxes, hunters and anglers have directly contributed tens of billions of dollars to conservation efforts nationwide. House Republicans are working to prevent any presidential administration from shutting off federal lands and waters access to America’s sportsmen and women by requiring the use of prohibitively expensive ammunition and fishing tackle. I am a proud co-sponsor of this bill.
6. Given the skyrocketing global demand for minerals and other natural resources, House Republicans are advancing sound solutions that ensure the access and certainty necessary for American industries to produce the energy and mineral resources we need here at home.
Coming to Your Area Soon
My staff will be onsite in Jasper County on May 8th. We would love for you to stop by and say hello or to request assistance with a federal casework matter. Details are in the graphic below:
Weekly Poll
I ask. You answer.