"A Highly Successful Entrepreneur, who has served brilliantly as Mayor of Riverton for the past six years, Trent knows how to Create Jobs, Stop Inflation, Grow the Economy, and Secure the Border" - President Donald J. Trump. President Trump is placing his total faith in Trent Staggs, and you should, too. An America First Leader like Staggs is exactly what Utah needs to continue the MAGA Movement!
Patriot, we need you to stand with President Trump and support Trent Staggs. Drain the swamp and get real leaders to the US Senate. Your support is crucial to flip the Senate and put Donald Trump back in the White House. Joe Biden and his circus are steadily losing support, and it's time we build momentum and overtake the Left. Your commitment will ensure a Red Wave in November!
President Trump has lots more to say about Staggs' future in the Senate.
Read President Trump's entire memo here.
- Team Staggs
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