Thursday, May 2, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

Tax Rates for Big Corporations Fell by Nearly Half After Trump Cuts

And this is the policy Republicans and their presumptive presidential nominee are vowing to extend if they win in November.

By Jake Johnson

Nearly All 600,000 Kids in Rafah 'Injured, Sick, Malnourished,' Says UNICEF

A full-scale Israeli assault on the crowded southern Gaza city "would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe for children."

By Jessica Corbett

Biden Condemned for Ahistorical and 'Politically Suicidal' Attack on Campus Protests

"Biden's claim that 'dissent must never lead to disorder' defies American history, from the Boston Tea Party to the tactics that civil rights activists, Vietnam War protesters, and anti-apartheid activists used to confront injustice."

By Jake Johnson

Fossil Fuel Companies Use Enclosures to Hide Planet-Heating Methane Flares

"If you enclose the flare, people don't see it, so they don't complain about it," said one expert. "But it also means it's not visible from space by most of the methods used to track flare volume."

By Brett Wilkins

'Stop Sending Arms': Global Day of Action to End Israel's Assault on Gaza

"The Global Day of Action must serve as a wake-up call to states that continue to supply arms to all parties to the conflict in Gaza that they are at risk of being complicit in war crimes," said one campaigner.

By Julia Conley

'Tragic and Unjust': Trump Judges Grant Biden DOJ Request to Toss Youth Climate Case

"We will keep fighting for climate justice," said one plaintiff, "but this is another dark day for protecting young people from climate harm imposed by their government."

By Jake Johnson


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■ Opinion

Antisemitism: The Big Lie Smearing Campus Protesters

The people who make, report, and teach history should take note: it has never been kind to those who spread Big Lies. This time will be no different.

By Richard Eskow

Breaking Down AOC Derangement Syndrome

Relentlessly tearing down one of our most effective leaders undermines the capacity for progressives to win. And win we must.

By Aaron Regunberg

The Biden Administration's Hypocrisy on College Protests Must End

While the White House is quick to condemn any allegation of antisemitism at protests, whether verified or manufactured, it has repeatedly failed to condemn verified incidents of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia on college campuses.

By Edward Ahmed Mitchell,Shafiquil Mushna

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