Hi John,
Bullying, discrimination, and a lack of resources and knowledgeable allies are just a few of the major obstacles that transgender and non-binary young people frequently confront in school. That's why our staff is hard at work training more than 350 educators and administrators across the country in how to create inclusive classrooms for young people of all gender identities. And we want to train even more!
We are in the middle of Give OUT Month, the only national giving event for the LGBTQ community. Since 2013, Give OUT Day has helped hundreds of LGBTQ nonprofits raise millions of dollars to support their vital work! This year, it's been expanded to an entire month of giving.

The in-person trainings are all apart of our Trans Affirming Schools Project (TASP), which is also a resource guide and accompanying four-part training series called, Finally Enough Love: Building Affirming Schools for Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender-expansive Students, which we offer to anyone right on our website here for any teacher, administrator, student or community-member to download when they need it.
You can play a vital role in ensuring that all young people have the opportunity to thrive in safe and inclusive schools by supporting Advocates for Youth here. Join us in providing much-needed resources and training to support and empower young people of all gender identities today.
Warm regards,
Debra Hauser
Advocates for Youth
P.S. Advocates for Youth is a 501c3 nonprofit with a four-star Charity Navigator rating. Learn more and review our Annual Reports.