Yesterday’s announcement is a huge step in the right direction.
In 2022, President Biden publicly ordered the DOJ and FDA to review existing federal marijuana regulations. In the time since, the Biden Administration has increasingly signaled its vocal support for cannabis reform.
Now, they're preparing to go even further.
This week, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced it will move to “reschedule” marijuana as a less dangerous drug, moving it from Schedule I — the federal government’s strictest controlled substances list — to Schedule III.

This makes a lot of sense to us considering marijuana is currently grouped with dangerous drugs like heroin.
While the rule likely won’t be finalized for months to come, this is another huge step in the right direction for justice, John.
But our work isn't done just yet.
While the schedule change is a massive development, only Congress has the power to legalize marijuana at the federal level — and despite recent pushes from Democrats, it has yet to act.
Consistent polling has continued to show that marijuana reform is immensely popular with voters, which is why Congress needs to hear from us.
If you have a moment to spare, can you send a letter to your representative and senators today, demanding they prioritize cannabis legalization and justice now?
In the meantime, there are a lot of benefits to the administration’s action. In practical terms, it loosens the stranglehold that has cut medical research and blocked marijuana businesses from access to the banking system in addition to certain tax benefits.
In the future, it could impact federal sentencing guidelines for any marijuana-related violations.
John, President Biden has done his job and now it's time for Congress to act. Please take a moment to send a letter to your representative and senators right now calling on them to pass a comprehensive marijuana reform bill.
Thank you for your support.
In solidarity,
— LeftNet