Plus: Underregulated and Unaccountable
May 2 2024
‘She Lied Under Oath’: Sen. Mike Lee Calls for DOJ’s Kristen Clarke to Resign
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, demands the resignation of Kristen Clarke, head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.
Underregulated and Unaccountable
By Emma Waters

In commercial surrogacy, someone pays a woman to gestate and birth an unrelated child for a fee. Unlike adoption, it’s underregulated and unaccountable.
Outmatched or Outsourced? Why Parents’ Values Fail to Transmit to Their Children
By Joshua Arnold

Are left-leaning parents better at passing on their values to their children? A recent study seems to indicate they are, but there’s a better explanation.
17 State AGs Sue Biden Admin for Inserting Abortion Into Law Protecting Pregnant Employees
By Dan Hart

The Biden administration moves to ensure that abortion remains front and center, earning a strong rebuke and lawsuit from a group of 17 Republican state attorneys general.
ICYMI: DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Responds to Bombshell Report About Her Arrest
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Kristen Clarke won’t talk to The Daily Signal, which broke the story about her not disclosing an arrest during her confirmation hearing, but goes to CNN to allege she was a victim of domestic abuse.

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