Patriot, I’m contacting you today to bring you up to speed on a critical step I’m taking to stop the Radical Left from interfering with real, honest elections.

I filed an ethics complaint against Deranged Jack Smith with the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility due to his actions that threaten the integrity of our 2024 election.

Anybody can see these investigations are not only a sham: they are a clear attempt to steal another election.


We are witnessing a chilling scenario unfold — one that mirrors the dark days of Soviet control and oppressive regimes.

There was a time when the United States proudly stood against this sort of election engineering: a time when we were the beacon of democracy. When we led the free world by example… A time when our freedoms were the envy of the world!

Sadly, that’s not the case anymore.

But I’m not going to give up the Republic our forefathers worked so hard to build without a fight.

This isn't just about politics; it's about protecting our democracy from becoming something unrecognizable—something evil, authoritarian, and fundamentally anti-American.

It’s clearer than ever that the Department of Justice, once a pillar of integrity, has been compromised.

Despite a clear judicial stay, Jack Smith has blatantly ignored these constraints, pushing forward with actions that can only be described as A DEEP STATE, DEMOCRAT POWERGRAB.

We cannot allow Bolshevik wanna-be's like Jack Smith and Nancy Pelosi to continue to undermine our free and fair elections…

That’s why I am reaching out to you today: I can not rid our government of the rot of authoritarianism and corruption alone.

I need to know that American patriots like you have my back.


In Liberty,

Elise Stefanik

House GOP Conference Chair

Paid for by House GOP Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress, E-PAC, and NY Republican Federal Campaign Committee.

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