Your Intentions, Nine Holy Masses, May 5-13

Dear Friend,
In the July 13, 1917 apparition,
Our Lady of Fatima said: In the end, my Immaculate Heart will
I am convinced that we will not
understand how Our Lady intends to bring about the ultimate Triumph of
Her Immaculate Heart for the world unless each of us begins to
recognize Her smaller victories in our own lives. By this I mean that
we must experience and be open to the potency of Her grace in action
around us and the immense rewards of our personal dedication to the
Fatima message.
Here’s how we, as faithful prayer
warriors, can accomplish this:
~ By offering up our own trials and
sufferings, Our Lady requested that we make sacrifices for others.
“Pray much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell
because there is no one to make sacrifices for them.”
~ By asking Our Lady’s intercession
to overcome a habitual personal sin or addiction.
~ By turning to Her in any crisis
situation, personal or familial.
~ By commending a spiritually
“lost” family member, friend, or even someone unknown to Her
Immaculate Heart.
~ By making a pilgrimage of
reparation to a Marian shrine – even locally, to a church named in
honor of the Blessed Mother.
~ By joining a pro-life cause in an
integral way: Our Lady greatly desires to save the unborn from
destruction -to help those in crisis pregnancies and even new, single
mothers. And to pray for abortionists, in reparation for their sins
and conversion.
~ By learning to trust and confide
all things to Her, both our long-term problems and our short-term
goals and plans.
Now that I have given you the many
ways each of us can experience the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart in
our own lives, please join me in praying the brief nine-day novena,
which begins on May 5 and ends on the feast day, May 13. Submit
your intentions for Nine Holy Masses invoking the
aid of Our Lady of Fatima – include one intention that Cardinal Burke
will be showered with an abundance of grace.
May Our Lady of Fatima bring all
men to the feet of her Divine Child.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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