Mises Institute
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Free-Market Profit Comes From Voluntary Exchange, not Exploitation
Frank Shostak
The government can end today’s high price-inflation rates any time by ending deficit spending. But the state won’t even acknowledge deficit spending is a cause of today’s price-inflation cycle.
Thanks to Government Animal Control, Stray Animals Rule My Neighborhood
Daniella Bassi
Animal control officers are supposed to, well, control animals in a municipal area. But thanks to animal control policies, it’s the stray animals that are in control of our author’s town.
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Shays’ Rebellion

Radical uprisings were erupting. The new revolution was clearly spreading.

Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies
Biden has embraced the trade war.
Fiat Money is the Greatest Danger Our Economy Faces
In nature everything has a cycle. Birth, growth, maturation, death. So why does our government believe they can master economic cycles and not experience ups and downs the way nature does?
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Governments Could Stop Inflating If They Wanted. But They Won’t.
The government can end today’s high price-inflation rates any time by ending deficit spending. But the state won’t even acknowledge deficit spending is a cause of today’s price-inflation cycle.
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What the Campus Protesters and Their Critics Get Right and Wrong
While these students are right to oppose the horrific Israeli attacks on Gaza, many of the protests reflect leftist groupthink and typical higher education collectivism.
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How Court Historians Turn Political Villains into Heroes
Tom DiLorenzo in Lake Jackson, Texas.
The Costs of War
Nothing is so dangerous to liberty as the power to make war, argues this remarkable collection of essays edited by John Denson. There can be no reconciling freedom and empire.
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