
I also have exciting news to share: Thanks to your support over these last few months, our team has officially opened a campaign office in the Antelope Valley!
At our opening this past weekend!

We now have a home base in the Antelope Valley for canvassing, phone banking, and other voter outreach efforts. It’s going to take this entire community to flip this seat in November, and with this office, we’re in a great position to enhance our on-the-ground strategy.

I can’t thank you enough for your support of my campaign in April. It’s why we are staying on pace to unseat MAGA Mike Garcia, and it’s how we’re able to pay for operational costs – like opening staging locations across CA-27.

Will you sign up for an upcoming canvass or phone bank to help build grassroots support for our movement? With this office opening and strong end to April, we need to keep pushing and contact as many voters as we can right now.

Volunteer Signup

Let’s do this together,
