I’m sorry to email again, but I need you to see this: In a remarkable turn, political experts just shifted SEVEN key House races in Democrats’ favor.
Suzan DelBene

John, I’m sorry to email again, but I need you to see this: In a remarkable turn, political experts just shifted SEVEN key House races in Democrats’ favor. Now, if Democrats can raise the necessary funds in time, we’ll flip these seats and kick MAGA Republicans out of the majority. We must capitalize on this critical swing in Democrats’ direction. I need another 1,000 supporters to rush in an urgent contribution before midnight to help us jump on this historic opportunity, hit the ground running, and rush immediate funds to the races we need to win. Can I count on your $15 so Democrats have the funds to register scores of new voters, run world-class campaign ads, and hand Republicans the biggest election loss ever? We won’t get another chance like this >>

John, I’m finished watching MAGA Republicans buy their way into power simply by outraising and outspending us.

I can’t bear to see this opportunity go to waste – not when we’re so close to a historic victory.

– MAGA Republicans have a RAZOR-THIN majority.

– Democrats only need to flip FOUR SEATS to take back the House.

– And now, political experts just shifted SEVEN RACES in our favor.

I don’t say this lightly: If we miss this moment and fail to meet our goal, it could endanger our chances of victory.

John, if we’re going to have any chance of competing with Republicans’ deep pockets, we need all hands on deck – and QUICKLY. I’m counting on 1,000 of my top supporters to rush in $15 in the next 10 hours to ensure we have the resources to protect vulnerable Democrats and win every battleground district. Please, John, will you chip in $15 to help us smash this critical goal? With so many competitive districts, I can’t overstate how critical your generous donation is to winning this election and rescuing the fate of our nation >>

Thank you,



Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Growing up, Suzan saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. She first ran for Congress because she saw that working families like hers needed someone to have their backs.

Now, as DCCC Chairwoman, she’s leading the charge to elect Democrats in every corner of our country, stick up for every American family, and deliver real change in Washington. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Suzan defeat Republican extremism and flip the House?


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