That's why on this National Day of Prayer, we renew our call for Texas leaders to stop undermining true religious freedom. Our public school system must respect the diversity of faiths and beliefs held by Texas families, not serve as a vehicle for government-sponsored religion.
We're committed to ensuring our neighborhood schools focus on giving every child an outstanding education where they feel welcomed, respected, and represented – not forced to learn according to the religious right's belief system.
As a network of community activists, faith leaders, and progressive Texans, we know we need to put action behind our words. That’s why we pledge to engage in our public school board meetings, write to our legislators, and vote with the mindset that religious freedom means keeping our public schools free from forced religion. You can also join the movement to build a just Texas for all of us by signing up to receive emails from our Just Texas team.
With your partnership, we can create public schools that embrace all students equally.
In community,
The TFN and Just Texas team