771 beagles and $6.1 million today will turn into thousands of animals and $20,000,000,000 before we know it.
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This is an emergency alert. The NIH is about to ram through more funding. 771 beagles are imprisoned. Worms will eat their hearts & lungs. Read below to help them. Or unsubscribe
[[link removed]] .
Taxpayer, I’ll be blunt: the purpose of this email is to
convince you to help us end the slaughter of 771 beagles
[[link removed]] at TRS Labs’ Heartworm Factory.
So here it goes…
Taxpayer, government white coats waste $20 BILLION of our
tax dollars to torture more than 48,000 dogs in needless experiments each year.
Obviously, this is a GIGANTIC problem… and we're a small organization. But we're
punching way above our weight class.
Since our founding, the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has shut down more
government dog labs than all other groups in the last two decades— combined.
Our success is a direct result of our commitment to constant, incremental
progress. Incremental wins compound on each other to create MASSIVE CHANGE over
With your help, 771 beagles and $6.1 million in taxes saved today will turn into
thousands of animals and $20,000,000,000 before we know it.
Are you in?
Allison McDonald
Digital Marketing Assistant
White Coat Waste Project
Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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P.S. See below—this is the heartbreaking reality of life inside TRS Labs. And unless we act before the deadline
[[link removed]] , our tax dollars will continue keeping this place in business.
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Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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Taxpayer, WCW is the ONLY group campaigning to end this
We're the ONLY group working to release the survivors—but we’re up against a hard government deadline.
The most effective way to stop a dog lab is to stop the funding before it’s renewed—BEFORE the abuse starts.
Please rush an urgent gift of $7.71
[[link removed]] — just 1¢ per dog at TRS Labs! Help fund all our campaigns, BLOCK payout #5R01AI047194, and give 771 dogs a
second chance at life!
19 years is long enough.
Block payout #5R01AI047194!
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
Read our Blog [[link removed]]
Visit Our Website [[link removed]]
Make A Donation
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[[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog.
Contributions are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
You are receiving this email at
[email protected]
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543