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Race + Power Weekly

In today’s Race + Power newsletter, we look at the impacts of societal and systemic racism on people of color. We begin with two articles from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine’s spring 2024 issue—the first on the tropes associated with Black women that show up in the workplace and how to challenge expectations rooted in these tropes; the other about how harmful experiences in unsupportive, toxic workplaces leave women of color leaders depleted, derailing attention from the intended work of creating a more just world for all. Next, a look at the Clean Slate Initiative, whose work to clean the records of formerly incarcerated people had special resonance celebrating April as Second Chance Month. Finally, a short clip from our webinar, “Remaking the Economy: A Policy Vision from the Movement for Black Lives,” about the importance of reparations.

“We Specialize in the Wholly Impossible”: Navigating Three Black Women Tropes in Leadership

“We seek to have room for error, growth, and balance. However, when we ask for help, there’s little support, due to the Mammy trope. When we give instruction for alleviation, we are the Angry Black Woman. There is no relief at the top of the glass cliff.” Read more... 
Meaningful change takes balance.
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Your Comfort Is Killing Me: The Toll of Unseen—and Unpaid—Emotional Labor

“I invite all to learn from the transformational leadership of Black women and other women of color, to sit with the constructive discomfort that deep empathy can enable, and to work collectively to transform our workplace cultures.” Read more... 
Meet the Nonprofit “You’ve Got This” Hotline
Some days you just need a virtual hug. On those days, dial 812-RESILIA. We promise it’ll make you smile.
Not a phone person? Get your pep talk online at

How the Clean Slate Initiative Helps Formerly Incarcerated People

“People having second chances or people having access to jobs, housing, education should not be something that has political discord or political bickering.” Read more…
Abortion access has widespread benefits
When people can safely get an abortion, it not only improves their quality of life, but that of their families, communities, and even countries.
Download the report from Ipas

What Are Reparations?

Reparations is about three main things: resources, policies and programs, and ending anti-Blackness. The latter requires analysis and vision to remake the future. Watch now…
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