Step up to support peace, defend our community's rights and stand up to discrimination in Congress.

Dear John,

We are already nearly halfway through 2024 and it has already been one of the most intense and critical years to date for NIAC's mission. As we gear up for our annual Spring Fundraising Drive, I want to update you on all that we have accomplished these past four months thanks to the support from people like you.

Where some have been completely silent on the horrors in Gaza and turned a blind eye to (or even cheered) the threat of the war spiraling into Iran, NIAC has led the charge in demanding a ceasefire and supporting diplomatic solutions to avert a regional war.

As efforts to build more barriers between Americans and Iranians have accelerated on Capitol Hill, NIAC has worked tirelessly to block a ban on U.S. travel to Iran that would further jeopardize the ability to visit loved ones and to oppose new broad sanctions that would punish ordinary people.

In March, after decades of working to secure critical representation for our community, our efforts finally succeeded: Iranian Americans will now officially be counted in the U.S. Census, which is a key building block for our civic and political future.

And after years of efforts fighting discrimination by major banks against our community, we supported a historic lawsuit to challenge the banks, continued to build pressure on Capitol Hill and in the administration to fix these policies, and believe we are on the verge of securing a major policy change to stop banking discrimination.

Today, we are launching our Spring Fundraising Drive to ensure NIAC can continue to have the resources to prevent war with Iran, defend our community’s rights, and ensure our voices are heard as we head into the 2024 election. We need to raise $150,000 by May 31 so that we can achieve our goals and I am asking you to please consider making a tax-deductible gift to NIAC today to help us hit our target.make your contribution to niac's spring fundraising driveIt is vital that we have a powerful, organized, Iranian-American voice in the halls of power that opposes war and supports diplomatic solutions; that defends our community's rights and stands up to discrimination; that supports human rights as a universal principle for all people and not a selective tool to advance political agendas; and that is committed to uplifting democratic principles in our country and within our community.

For over 20 years, we have been that voice – and many have tried to silence us because we are so effective. But thanks to you, we aren't going anywhere. Now, we need your support so we can keep building our base of support and ensure that our voice reaches the most important decision makers. So, as we kick off our Spring Fundraising Drive, I humbly ask that you make your contribution today to help us hit our target and continue fighting for you.

Thank you for all your support,

Jamal Abdi
President, NIAC


NIAC Action is dedicated to building political power for the Iranian-American community to advance peace & diplomacy, secure equitable immigration policies, and protect the civil rights of all Americans. NIAC, the 501(c)(3) sister organization of NIAC Action, is dedicated to educating & engaging the Iranian-American community in order to further advance these priorities.

Support our work by making a gift to NIAC Action today >>


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