Hi John xxxxxx,

Did you know that only 1 in 4 of registered voters cast a ballot on Primary Election Day in the Commonwealth? Turnout was as low as 7% in some precincts.

To expand the electorate and strengthen our democracy, we must vote and encourage others to register and vote as well. 

You have the opportunity to determine who will be the next President, as well as PA’s Attorney General, Auditor General, Treasurer and a number of other down ballot state and federal House and Senate seats.  

Here's your biweekly roundup of organizational updates, news you can use, and upcoming events to keep you in-the-know.

NPP in the News

Misinformation isn't just harmful; it actively disengages potential voters. Countering these myths is key to empowering communities and defending democracy.

NPP CEO Kadida Kenner highlights the challenges we face in safeguarding the integrity of our elections in the latest NBC News feature. Read more about our fight against election misinformation here.

We’re Hiring!

The New Pennsylvania Project is currently hiring! Please see our open positions below:

Interested in joining Team NPP? Please email your resume to [email protected] and provide the position you are applying for in the subject line.

Upcoming Events

The Stop Trump Summit—Philadelphia

Social of the Week

Courts Matter

Can this firm invest in only Black women? This case will decide.

The legal firepower on both sides of the Fearless Fund case reflects the disparate views on the nature of discrimination and the role of history in shaping public policy, The Washington Post reports.

3rd Circuit Will Not Reconsider Decision on Pennsylvania Undated Mail-in Ballots

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals announced today that it will not reconsider its decision that requires counties to reject undated or wrongly dated mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, leaving in place the harmful ruling for voters, Democracy Docket reports.

Pennsylvania Butler County Naked Ballot Curing Challenge

Voters in Butler County, Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit yesterday challenging the county's decision to reject their mail-in ballots for lacking an inner secrecy envelope and not giving them a chance to correct the mistake, Democracy Docket reports.

News You Can Use

20 Pa. legislative primary results that set the stage for November and beyond

As Democrats look to flip the state Senate in November, House Democrats fight to expand their “humble majority,” and established Republicans fend off primary challengers from their party’s conservative wing, the Capital-Star has flagged 20 noteworthy races from Tuesday’s primary.

One of Four Pennsylvanians Turn Out For Primary Election

Just one in four registered Republicans and Democrats in Pennsylvania cast a vote in the state’s 2024 presidential primary, according to unofficial data compiled by PoliticsPA.

Amen Brown declares victory for Pa. House Democratic primary election in 10th District

State Rep. Amen Brown declared victory Monday over his Democratic primary challenger Cass Green by an incredibly narrow margin, six days after the primary election, The Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

Important 2024 Election Dates

General Election: November 5, 2024

Last day to register to vote: October 21, 2024

Last day to request mail-in ballot: October 29, 2024

Help Us Expand The Electorate

We're on a mission to register new voters in the Commonwealth and expand the electorate.

Help us prepare for the upcoming primary and general elections in 2024!

The 2024 General Election is just around the corner but there is much work to be done — and we can’t do it alone! New Pennsylvania Project is on a mission to register 60,000 voters from across the Commonwealth, with a focus on reaching those from underserved and underrepresented communities. We can’t do that, however, without your continued support. If you haven’t yet, please consider clicking the button below and investing just a few dollars in these efforts.

Every dollar helps us host more events, reach more people, and ultimately, register more voters ahead of this incredibly high-stakes election!

Invest in our Democracy

Thank you for taking the time to stay informed. We'll be back in two weeks with the latest edition.

In solidarity,


The New Pennsylvania Project is a 501(c)(4), contributions are not for charitable purposes and are not tax-deductible.

Paid for by the New Pennsylvania Project