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Stay informed and take action against antisemitism and hate on campus.

Welcome to the second issue of the Campus Crisis Update.

This email features firsthand accounts from campuses, photos and videos direct from the protests, links so you can make your voice heard and resources so you know what to do if your alma mater comes calling for a donation or a student you know is being harassed.

Top Stories

UCLA. Throughout Wednesday and into the evening, protesters swarmed into UCLA’s encampment. After repeated orders to disperse, LAPD and other law enforcement entered it to arrest protesters in the early morning hours local time. According to the Daily Bruin, as this was unfolding, “‘around 1,000 protesters on and around Janss Steps chanted, ‘You don’t scare us,’ ‘We’re not leaving’ and ‘LAPD, KKK, IDF, you’re all the same.’” This situation is still developing.

Northwestern. In response to President Schill’s terrible capitulation to protesters including allowing the encampment to stay and reopening a pathway to BDS, seven members of the President’s Advisory Committee on Preventing Antisemitism and Hate resigned last night. The members who resigned included an undergraduate student, the NU Hillel Director, a University trustee, and four professors.

ADL is joining with StandWithUs and the Brandeis Center calling on President Schill to resign.

Click here to demand that President Schill resign.

ADL reassessed Northwestern’s grade on its Campus Antisemitism Report Card and because of these new developments it changed from a D to an F.

Dartmouth. Early this morning, Hanover police announced they had arrested 90 people overnight for criminal trespass and resisting arrest.

Yale. Tuesday, New Haven police took down Yale students’ encampment amid protests. Read Yale’s full statement issuing “final warnings” and instructing protesters to end encampments or “face discipline including suspension for violating university rules and arrest for trespassing.”

UChicago. Wednesday, the University of Chicago entered its third day of tent encampments. Alongside the planned rallies was a Zoom call featuring Dr. Sami Al Arian, a Palestinian political activist and former professor at the University of South Florida. Dr. Al Arian previously pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to provide services to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a group designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

Tulane. Early Wednesday, police cleared the tent encampment at Tulane University and arrested 14 protesters, including two Tulane students. In a statement issued by Tulane President Mike Fitts, he shared that while the university values free speech and the right to protest, it does not condone hate speech, antisemitism, or intimidation in any form. Read the full statement.

UW Madison. Wednesday morning, Wisconsin police dismantled an encampment, detaining protesters. They could be heard chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — an antisemitic slogan long used by anti-Israel voices, including Hamas.

Read more about the antisemitic rallying cry.

WATCH ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt on CNN. “You can vociferously criticize Israeli policy, you can strongly oppose moves by the Netanyahu government... but something is deeply wrong... when the way you express your frustration is telling Jewish students to go back to Poland. When the way you manifest your anger is by waving a Hezbollah or Hamas flag. That isn’t normal.”

Jonathan on CNN

Campus Champions

Show Your Jewish Pride

GW. While there are issues at George Washington University in DC, big shout out to students holding a rally today to show their Jewish pride, call for safety on campus, and urge the release of hostages in Gaza. A survivor from the Nova massacre on October 7th will be there. ADL is proud to support these students. Show your support by signing their letter to Mayor Bowser urging her to help remove antisemitic protesters from GW.

Fordham. Last night, Fordham University requested the assistance of NYPD to clear an encampment at its Lincoln Square campus. 15 people were arrested; reportedly some were students. Fordham Prez Tania Tetlow: “This decision was not about parsing the difference between protected political speech and threats, nor was it about the Middle East. This was only about the physical protection of the campus. It comes down to this: Fordham students have a right to feel safe and to finish their exams. Period.”

We couldn’t agree more. Thank President Tetlow.

White House. The White House yesterday made clear that calling for an “intifada” is “tragic and dangerous hate speech.” Unsurprisingly, the National SJP organization called to “globalize the intifada.” Read more about the term.

Congress. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the long-awaited bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act, which reinforces the use of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism in addressing antisemitic harassment and discrimination on campus, in line with policy that has been in effect over the last two Presidential Administrations. ADL has been a longtime champion of this legislation, going back to the original effort in 2018.

Fighting Hate from Home. Yesterday, over 3,800 people joined ADL’s “Fighting Hate from Home” webinar featuring Rep. Ritchie Torres, UT-Austin student Barri Seitz, and Tufts University parent Francine Ephraim. The session focused on how we can help Jewish college students as they face unprecedented antisemitism on campus. Missed it? Watch the webinar here and learn how to combat campus antisemitism.

Am Yisrael Chai 💪✡️

Harvard Yard. “I was surprised by how much the students didn’t know.” Read a firsthand account of what Michael Segal learned when he spoke with protesters camped out at Harvard.

Old Glory. Watch as the American flag is raised at UNC-Chapel Hill after protesters took it down to fly the Palestinian flag.

Favorite Month. Happy Jewish American Heritage Month! Read the official White House proclamation here. Check out the online exhibit of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History — or visit them in Philly.

Are you a teacher? Here are nine ideas for teaching about Jewish American heritage in the classroom.

Grand Slam. Watch this emotional video of Israeli jiu-jitsu champion Yarin Shariki, a Nova massacre survivor, dedicating his gold medal to his friend Yochai Ben Zacharia, who was murdered at Nova on 10/7.

Poll: The Vast Majority of Americans Back Israel over Hamas. Despite what we are seeing on campus, it is (semi) relieving to see that 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more, according to a survey from the Harvard CAPS-Harris that was shared with the Hill.

Info and Action: Not on My Campus

  • Students — how to take action, deal with antisemitism, and organize your community.
  • Alumni — how to organize a sign-on letter, answer a fundraising request, or write a letter to a university president.
  • Parents — write a letter about commencement, organize a dial day, or get help selecting a college for your student.
  • Glossary of Commonly Used Antisemitic Phrases Heard at Protests.
  • Campus Antisemitism Report Card — see the grade a college earned in this first-ever report card.
  • Report an Antisemitic Incident.
  • Are you a student or know one who needs legal help? Contact our Campus Antisemitism Legal Line (CALL), run by ADL, Hillel, the Brandeis Center, and Gibson Dunn. Hundreds of incidents have been reported. You are not alone!

Do you have something to share with us? We are building this as we go — so please email us at [email protected] with any suggestions, questions, photos, and videos.

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