Over halfway there - help us reach our goal

NUCLEAR WAR IS LOOMING: our government is fuelling two major conflicts, escalating nuclear risks! 


Dear Friend,


Thank you to everyone who has donated to our spring appeal so far - our campaign to end dangerous wars that could result in nuclear disaster! Hundreds of you have already donated and we're over halfway to reaching our target of £19,000.


Will you join them and help us reach our goal by making a donation today?

The world is closer to nuclear war than it’s ever beenthe risk of nuclear war between NATO and Russia has significantly increased since the invasion of Ukraine. And with the risk of war widening in the Middle East, the possibility of Israel using its nuclear weapons cannot be overlooked.

We must put a stop to this! With your help, CND can continue to campaign against wars that could go nuclear, using its political strength to lobby parliament, take local action, and organise national demonstrations – ensuring the voices of the majority, for peace, are heard. 

Please, if you can, send a donation and help us raise £19,000 with this appeal. Your contribution will make a tangible difference to our efforts to achieve these critical objectives.

Meanwhile the British government is ramping up military spending by actively supplying weapons to war zones and continues to pour £billions of taxpayers’ money down the military drain, taking money away from our desperate public services. This week Rishi Sunak announced an additional £75 billion in 'defence' spending, supposedly to counter the threats from Iran, Russia and China.


Make no mistake, the decision to invest in weapons and warfare, rather than in the well-being of the British public, is a conscious political choice – one that neither you nor I can endorse. 

CND remains steadfast in its commitment to ending these conflicts, advocating lasting political solutions, and removing the threat of nuclear disaster.

Your support is crucial to our work for peace and nuclear disarmament. Please consider making a much-needed donation if you possibly can.

In peace,

Kate Hudson

General Secretary

Copyright © 2024 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom