May 2 2024
DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Responds to Bombshell Report About Her Arrest
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Kristen Clarke won’t talk to The Daily Signal, which broke the story about her not disclosing an arrest during her confirmation hearing, but goes to CNN to allege she was a victim of domestic abuse.
Free Markets: Necessary But Not Sufficient
By Kevin Roberts, Derrick Morgan

Conservatives need to have a long overdue conversation about the market, the family, and the state. But the blunt truth is the movement can’t abandon free markets.
Cannabis ‘Rescheduling’ Move Raises Drug Policy and Safety Questions
By Paul J. Larkin

Questions are answered about the Biden administration’s reclassification of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III, where the drug may be prescribed by a physician.
Biden Is Harder on Israel Than on Campus Pro-Hamas Radicals, GOP Senators Say
By Jarrett Stepman

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., isn’t surprised by President Biden’s gentle approach to anti-Israel protesters, given that “antisemitic elements” had grown for years within the Democratic Party.
Left-Wing Donors Gave More Than $3.3 Million to Pro-Hamas Activities Since 2016
By Joshua Arnold

With tent cities across American campuses filled with activists openly supporting terrorist organizations, you could be forgiven for suspecting that this activism wasn’t organic. And you’d be right.
Amid Pro-Palestine Protests, These Fraternity Brothers Prove Patriotism Endures at US Colleges
By Virginia Allen, Kristen Eichamer

Pro-Palestine protesters take down the American flag at UNC, but fraternity brothers step in to keep it from touching the ground while insults and water bottles are hurled at them.
ICYMI: Trump’s NY Prosecution Is a Bogus Case by a Bogus Prosecutor
By Hans von Spakovsky

Here’s a quick tutorial on why Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on in his “hush money” case against Donald Trump—call it “Federal Campaign Finance Law for Dummies 101.”

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