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Hi friend, I'm Debby.

I’m the newest member of the Debt Justice staff team. And though I’ve been here a few months now, this is the first email you’ll have got from me. So, hi! It’s great to meet you!

Before I started working here, I’d already been a Debt Justice supporter for many years. Maybe you have too. But can I confess something? Though I knew quite a bit about the debt crisis in lower income countries, I knew a lot less about the personal debt crisis affecting people in the UK.

Are you the same, friend? Or are you knowledgeable on all points when it comes to debt? Find out in a few clicks and test yourself with our quick debt quiz. Here’s the first question:

On average, how much money do people seeking debt advice from Citizens Advice have left over at the end of the month after paying for just the essentials? The answer may just surprise you.

A) £41
B) £12
C) -£35

We all know that the cost of living has soared in the last few years – and how easy it can be to get into debt as a result. Since working at Debt Justice, I’ve learnt just how hard it can be to break out of debt once in it – and how that’s down to the punishing system that can keep people trapped in debt.

I’ve learnt that there are now 13 million of us in the UK struggling with debt!

Do you know more than I knew a few months back, friend? Why not test yourself and find out with our quick debt quiz? Here’s that first question again:

On average, how much money do people seeking debt advice from Citizens Advice have left over at the end of the month after paying for just the essentials?

A) £41
B) £12
C) -£35

I feel really privileged to be working at Debt Justice – an organisation I’ve admired for so many years. And I feel passionate about working with you to make sure that unfair debts never stand in the way of people being able to meet their basic needs. Whether in the global south, or here in the UK.

Together we can build a fair economy that puts people and planet before debt.

In solidarity,

Head of fundrasing at Debt Justice

Justice is possible

Across the world, millions of people’s lives are being destroyed by unfair debt.  

But when we act together, we have the strength to win justice and build a fair economy that puts human life before debt.

Donate today to strengthen the campaign for debt justice.

Copyright © 2024 Debt Justice, All rights reserved.  You received this email because you signed up for information about Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign) by email, either via our website, while signing a campaign petition or postcard, or at an event.  Our mailing address is: Debt Justice · Oxford House · Derbyshire Street · London, E2 6HG · United Kingdom  Registered Charity no. 1055675, Company no. 3201959. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.