Join our Labor Picnic & Canvass this Weekend!

🌹Happy May Day!🌹

Hey comrade,


It’s International Workers’ Day (also known as May Day 🚩​), which means we want invite you to a special May Day Picnic​ and Labor Canvass​ this Saturday, and take a moment to celebrate this all the great labor victories of the past year...


Last summer, DSA turned out in droves to support rank-and-file UPS workers who lead a historic, militant contract fight to win higher wages & abolish tiers 🚛​📦​


This contract win was immediately followed by a wave of Big 3 UAW autoworker stand-up strikes around the country, and Atlanta DSA members drove down weekly to Morrow, GA to support Stellantis workers on the picket line! 🚘​​⚙️​🪧​


Along with so many other local victories, Starbucks Workers worked alongside the community to build pressure to bring the behemoth company Starbucks to its knees and meet workers at the bargaining table! ☕​💚​

It’s clear that we are living through a historic moment in labor history — in particular here in the south. Just weeks ago, we witnessed a major victory for Volkswagen auto workers in Chattanooga, TN, who won a slam dunk election in the last non-union  Volkswagen plant in the world! ⚙️​🗳️​

DSA is proud to have played a huge role in many of these fights both on the shop floor and through solidarity on the picket line. If you’re one of the many working class folks who showed up for workers this year, we are certainly glad you did — it’s impossible to build this movement without each and every one us.

And so, let’s celebrate! Join Atlanta DSA Labor Committee this Saturday May 4 for a May Day picnic from 1-2 PM at Taylor Brawner Park in Smyrna.​ Bring a dish and enjoy some food with comrades , and join us for a discussion on the 2024 labor movement so far — where it’s gone and where it’s going!

RSVP for the picnic here​, and be sure to join us for a Labor canvassing shift before and after​ for the Gabriel Sanchez Campaign​! Join us in speaking with voters about protecting union rights, building the labor movement, and taking back power for the working class! Sign up for a 10-1PM​ or 2-5PM​ shift!

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few