Dear Friend,
Here is the link for this morning's
livestream of the Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass, from the Shrine of
Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin; the homily begins at 18:50. There were
reports of some technical difficulties and I apologize for
Cardinal Burke offered the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass for all those who participate in Operation Storm
Heaven, affectionately known as “Rosary Warriors”, as well as those
who submitted their intentions. His Eminence prays that all of us
retain fidelity in praying the Holy Rosary, and in doing so, also an
expression to our trust, in God’s promise of salvation - His promise
to make all things new, in His only begotten Son, Our Lord, Jesus
There’s an abundance of wisdom to
ponder throughout His Eminence’s homily:
“Today, we celebrate the Feast Day
of St. Joseph the Workman. Our Lord is known as a Son of the
carpenter. Our Lord is known as the Son of Joseph. Joseph being his
foster-father, His Father being God the Father in heaven. He was
conceived in the womb of the spouse of Joseph, the Blessed Virgin
Mary, by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. Mary is truly His
mother and God, His Father. God, in sending His only begotten Son into
the world wanted Him to be provided for, in every way, especially that
He should be born into a family. And Mary and Joseph were husband and
wife at the time of the Annunciation, so Our Lord took human flesh in
to the womb, St. Joseph became his foster father – or as we say, his
virginal father. St. Joseph took all those responsibilities that God
asked of him – as a father of a family, as the true spouse of the
Virgin Mary.”
“St. Joseph is a tremendous example
and patron for us as Rosary Warriors. St. Paul reminds us that because
Christ was pleased to be known as the Son of a carpenter, because He
took our human nature in the womb of the Virgin Mary through the
overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, we share now in the Divine Life
through the grace of baptism, by His Passion, Death and Resurrection
and Ascension – which were the ultimate culmination, in taking our
human nature – Christ has won for us the gift of His own life, which
dwells in us, in our souls, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, from
His glorious pierced Heart, His most Sacred Heart. And so, we are
alive in Christ, in the instruction that St. Paul gives us, in the
letter to the Colossians is very realistic, because Christ, who is
alive in us, through the grace of baptism, which has been strengthened
and increased, through the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is
nourished, always through this most blessed sacrament, which we are
now celebrating.
We are now called to live in
Christ, to practice His charity – that charity which leads us to all
circumstances no matter what they may be, including intense suffering,
to be full of gratitude to God, for His life in us, for our final
destiny, which is to be with Him – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in
eternity, in the company of all the angels and saints, in eternal joy
and peace. And, so we must never give way to discouragement, in every
trial, in everything that we say and do, to do it as St. Paul urges us
– in Christ, in His name, through Christ, working in us.”
“The beautiful Devotion of the
Three Hearts which we fittingly recall on this feast day of St. Joseph
the Worker reminds us that Our Blessed Mother draws our hearts to her.
And, of course, in drawing our hearts to her, she draws our hearts
also to her true spouse and to the virginal father of Jesus, St.
Joseph. And, with their help and assistance, our hearts are one, with
the Heart of Jesus.”
“Let us pray today, especially when
there are so many trials we face in our own personal lives and the
terrible trials that we see being visited upon the world and in the
Church. Let us be renewed with St. Joseph again, with confidence in
Divine Providence, obedience to all that God asks us and in joy and
thanksgiving, in all things, because we are alive with God, we are
alive with Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Our destiny is
to be with Him, one day, finally in heaven and in living in this way,
we will pray our daily Rosary, for the needs of the Church and the
world, in the most efficacious way possible, trusting ourselves
completely to Divine Providence and trusting in Divine Providence the
promises of salvation, which Our Lord has made to us, will indeed be
fulfilled. May Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, her true spouse,
intercede powerfully for us, in these times and always.”
Wishing you and your loved ones a
blessed feast day of St. Joseph the Workman.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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