We are witnessing horrific attacks on freedom of speech on college campuses across the country right now, all in defense of genocide.

Justice Democrats


We are witnessing horrific attacks on freedom of speech on college campuses across the country right now, all in defense of genocide.

In response to the nationwide movement of student and faculty protests demanding their colleges and universities divest from weapons manufacturers and other companies that contribute to the far-right Israeli military’s siege on Gaza, militarized police forces are being sent in to arrest and brutalize peaceful protestors.

At Columbia, an army of heavily armed NYPD forces violently arrested activists, exerting more force against college students and professors than we’ve seen from law enforcement during mass shootings like Uvalde or the violent Capitol insurrection on January 6th.

At UCLA, a mob of anti-Palestinian counter-protestors violently beat student activists and fired explosives into an encampment of people, while police were nowhere to be found to protect students.

President Biden and other Democratic leaders like mayors and governors have done nothing to stop this, while the GOP is rabidly calling for the National Guard to be deployed to further escalate and terrorize peaceful protests.

We must stand on the right side of history in this crucial moment and fight for our democratic freedom to protest a genocide being funded by our tax dollars.

Add your name to our petition now to tell President Biden: No National Guard on college campuses, and reaffirm the right to protest now!

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We cannot sit idly by and allow history to repeat itself. Further military action against peaceful activists will only lead to more harm and potential tragedy like the 1970 Kent State massacre.

As courageous young people rise up in solidarity with the people of Gaza while Israel’s military threatens to invade Rafah, we must stand with them.

Thank you for keeping up our collective movement for peace and justice for ALL, from the United States to Gaza.

— Justice Democrats