
With the help of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters, my re-election campaign crossed an important milestone and submitted our nomination signatures to be placed on the ballot.

Our campaign collected over 3,400 signatures from every town across the 6th District.

This was once a district that Democrats struggled to keep blue, but we’ve turned it into a Democratic fundraising powerhouse.


Not only have we raised millions of dollars and helped elect over 30 service-background members of Congress, but we’ve made a big difference in the lives of millions of Americans.

We introduced and passed legislation to establish the three-digit National Suicide Hotline (9-8-8), improve mental health care for active duty servicemembers (the Brandon Act), modernize government travel, and make ALS disability insurance more comprehensive and accessible.

Those bills are saving lives today.

There’s more work to do. My American High-Speed Rail Act, recently reintroduced in the House, is the most ambitious and forward-thinking infrastructure package before Congress today. And I’m leading the G.I. Bill Restoration Act with Congressman James Clyburn to finally restore long-denied benefits to Black veterans of World War II, along with the help of Attorney General Andrea Campbell who recently led a coalition of state AGs in support of our bill.

I can’t do this work alone. That’s why I’m leading a national effort to elect more veterans and candidates with service backgrounds to Congress, through my organization Serve America.

Can I count on you to support my campaign with a donation today?

Serve America supports national service veterans and public servants. The ethic of service that comes from the military and other national service organizations is sorely needed in Washington today.

Successful Serve America candidates played a leading role in taking back the House for Democrats in 2018. Now, with your support, we’re going to do it again.



