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General Conference Information

April 23- May 3, 2024

 Delegation is Busy at General Conference

As General Conference enters its second week, its postponed nature isn't the only thing setting it apart: Those in attendance are remarking that the mood is more upbeat and amicable than at past General Conferences.

Check out how Missouri delegates are experiencing General Conference going into week two →

A note from Bishop Farr:  I encourage you to pray daily for the Holy Spirit to use each one of us and for the General Conference to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We need your prayers as we enter into this time of holy conferencing. You might consider using the Upper Room’s devotional guide. Please pray especially for:

  • Missouri’s six clergy and six lay delegates and four reserve delegates and all 862 delegates. Please pray for them continually as they do the work of discerning through over 1,000 petitions.
  • Our North Carolina and Western North Carolina Annual Conference hosts. The work of offering welcome to thousands of delegates, staff, volunteers and guests for two weeks is challenging to say the least.
  • United Methodist agency staff and particularly lay and clergy volunteers who have sacrificed time and money to serve in a hospitality capacity. I give thanks for these persons and their time.

Some resources have been provided below to help you and your leadership navigate the news and decisions arising from the General Conference. If you have not yet watched the GC2020 preview we recorded in early March, you might want to check that out.

What does the General Conference Do?

A collection of frequently asked questions and helpful infographics.

General Conference Legislation

Links to legislation tracking, delegate lists, petitions, reports and summaries of major legislative topics.

General Conference Prayer Guide

A free daily prayer guide.

Additional Resources

United Methodist Communications and United Methodist News have been preparing for the challenge of covering and publicizing developments of the long-delayed General Conference. Church leaders and members can stay informed via a live video stream, daily reports from UM News delivered in several languages, video recaps, updates on social media and a new United Methodist News Facebook Messenger Bot and WhatsApp channel. 

Check in with General Conference Here →

 Doniphan UMC Building Destroyed by Fire

The United Methodist Church building in Doniphan burned down early morning on April 24. The church building, one of the oldest structures in town, was a total loss. Doniphan Fire Chief Brian Byrd said the cause of the fire is undetermined, but with an historic structure involving multiple additions of various ages it was likely an electrical issue. Read the full story and view a photo gallery in The Prospect News at

Doniphan UMC is very engaged in its community, providing hundreds of coats each year for people in need, hosting a free Christmas dinner open to everyone, and assistance to unhoused people in the area. Read a news story about the church’s ministries that was in the February issue of The Missouri Methodists at

Rev. Kent Wilfong said the outpouring of support from the community today has been phenomenal, with many churches offering them their sanctuaries for the interim. 

United Methodists in the area will be worshipping in their temporary location of 209 Locust St, in Doniphan. The mailing address is PO BOX 582, Doniphan, MO 63935.

Currently, the immediate need is 20-30 UM Hymnals. Please contact Kent Wilfong [email protected] if you can help.

The Doniphan congregation will be rebuilding. Wilfong said he has faith that Doniphan UMC has a strong future ahead. "We're just going to give it over to God," he said.

Information on needs will be available once a plan is in place. Please keep this town and this congregation in prayer as they discern next steps.

Conference Launches Hate Divides, Love Unites Campaign, Offers Digital Resources

The Missouri Conference has produced a digital graphics package about the uniting power of love, called Hate Divides, Love Unites, in time for another divisive election year. Print-ready files are available for download to produce yard signs, banners and t-shirts if your church would like to promote a message of love over hate. The Missouri Conference wants to become a brave, empowering place for people from diverse cultures and generations so that we can become a Church for all God’s people. We seek to do this by equipping Conference leaders and local churches for multicultural leadership, cross-cultural connection and healing justice.

  • Read a press release about the campaign HERE.
  • Access the digital graphics HERE.

 Director of Traditional Music Ministry Position

First UMC (Poplar Bluff) is hiring for a Director of Traditional Music.

The Director of Traditional Music Ministry will plan, prepare and execute the traditional worship service, seasonal programs, and lead a variety of volunteers. This person will work closely with the Pastor to develop services and choose music that supports and enhances the message of the day that is appropriate in both length and style for worship at FUMC. At our traditional service we have a Chancel Choir, Bell Choir and children’s music ministry. 

Application and More Information→

 Slides for Annual Conference

If you have announcements that you would like included in the announcement slide reel at Annual Conference, email them to Lauren Miers ([email protected] ) no later than May 16. Announcement slides will run during breaks.

2024 Wesley Heritage Tour Info Session

Join Bishop and Susan Farr and the Missouri Annual Conference on a 10-day Wesley Heritage Tour this fall, Oct. 15-25. If you are interested in this trip opportunity, attend the upcoming virtual info session at either 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14. Educational Opportunities Tours Conference Coordinator Rev. Melissa Dodd will share more about the trip, offer cost and logistic details, and answer any questions. RSVP for the info session at 

Because Annual Conference is fast approaching, we want to give you and your local church ample time to respond generously to our 2024 Annual Conference offerings. Below are the two offerings (Mozambique and Puerto Rico) we'll be taking during our time together in St. Charles. Please prayerfully consider bringing the opportunity before your local church leadership.


TEXT-TO-GIVE: Text the code listed with each offering item to 1-855-575-7888 to give.
GIVE ONLINE: Give online via our DonorBox campaigns: Mozambique Initiative | Puerto Rico
CHECK: Make checks payable to “Missouri Annual Conference” and add a designation, such as Mozambique Initiative or Puerto Rico, in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to:
Missouri Annual Conference
3601 Amron Ct.
Columbia, MO 65202


Insurance Considerations for Leasing or Renting Church Property

Here are some tips as you consider insurance needs:  

  • Shop earlier than usual – 120 days before renewal
  • Use an agent with access to many markets
  • Get as close to the General Council on Finance and Administration’s recommendations as possible
  • Always carry appropriate liability and coverage and limits
  • Check your option midterm if possible (check the cancellation provisions for early cancellation penalties)
  • Don't miss a premium payment. Some carriers are not reinstating accounts cancelled for no payment

 FREE webinar: Insurance Considerations for Leasing or Renting Church Property. Is your ministry thinking of renting space or the parking lot for extra revenue or to be a good neighbor? Be sure to have all the facts. Register today

 Southeast District Grants

Fall Grants Due by August 1st

The Southeast District is offering ministry grants to any United Methodist church or affiliated organization in the district boundaries.

• Priority will be given to organizations that have not previously received a grant. 
• Priority will be given to Conference initiatives listed below. 

  1. New Places for New People (NPNP) -New or growing Alpha programs.
  2. Next Generation Ministries - (birth-college age) New program that multiplies Next Gen Ministries in the local church.
  3. Raise up Missional Leaders – training or an experience to recruit, train or disciple missional leaders engaged in the congregation.

Details can be found in the Grant Application here: 
Fall Grants are due by August 1st. All applicants will be notified by September 1st. 

More Information and Application →

NextGen Ministries Network Groups Survey

Missouri Conference NextGen Ministries is working to cultivate a network of leaders focused on reaching the next generation. The NextGen Ministries team wants your input on what you might need, want or look for in a network group. Take the short survey:

 Five Characteristics of Effective Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma

How would you preach next Sunday if a mass shooting, a natural disaster, or a public health crisis shook your community? Sadly, such events are so common that every preacher needs to be prepared. Preaching professor Kimberly Wagner outlines five characteristics of preaching in the wake of mass trauma that create a safe space for people to lay their experiences and brokenness down before God and one another. Read her ideas at

Festival of Sharing Update

The SHAREFEST date for the Southeast District is October 4-5, 2024 at the Global Methodist Church in Dexter, MO. This ministry is non-denominational. There are a few kit changes for 2024.



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Southeast District of the Missouri Annual Conference

6 North Clark St., Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 63701
(573) 334-8723