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From Pennsylvania to Ohio to Montana to Nevada to Arizona, the tide is turning and our candidates are making up ground, extending leads, and pushing ahead. 

We can't stop now -- please, we're begging, will you donate $29 or whatever you can right now to help Democrats keep the U.S. Senate?


Begin Forward:

Jack, this is fantastic news

A bunch of recent polling shows that Democrats have pulled into leads in CRITICAL Senate battlegrounds nationwide. 

Momentum has shifted in our favor for the Senate Majority!

Only months ago, Democrats holding onto our Senate Majority was considered a long shot. Today, we have a very real chance. But we've got to capitalize on this momentum!

Can you pitch in $29 or whatever you can today to help Senate Democrats WIN? >>>

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Give another amount

Jack, throwing our FULL support into every one of these races is the only way we're going to hold our Majority on Election Day.

But we cannot do it without YOUR help.

Our Strategy Team is projecting a need to raise another $100,000 this month. Your donation today is the key to get things started.

Our Senate Majority depends on supporters just like YOU digging deep and building from the ground up. Will you join in the FIGHT with $29 to hold our crucial Majority? >>>

Thanks --

Democratic Voters


Democratic voters

Democratic Voters was founded in 2022 to elect Democrats and hold our critical and historic Majorities.

With the 2024 election ahead, there has never been a more important time for grassroots Democrats to rise up and take action.

Our reproductive rights, voting rights, and our entire democracy are all on the line.

Democratic Voters supports Democratic candidates, causes, and missions. We’re depending on you to empower us.

Jack: Make a monthly donation!
Make a single donation

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Contributions or gifts to Democratic Voters are not deductible for income tax purposes.

Paid for by Democratic Voters PAC, and not authorized by any candidates or candidate's committee.