How can we fight for progress in 2024?

It's pretty simple, we talk to rural America.

Washington insiders take rural voters for granted year-after-year and then wonder why nothing has changed. Democrats have ceded the rural vote to Republicans, and for decades, Republicans have ignored the issues that rural voters care about.

So here's how we make a difference this year: by personally connecting with rural voters. If we can reach out to independent and moderate voters, we can build real progress for rural America.

We need a Congress that will listen to the needs of rural voters and the only way to make that happen is to remind them how important the rural vote is. That is why One Country Project is sharing the struggles that rural Americans face and reminding Democrats that this is the time to step up and advocate for the voters who've been forgotten.

You and I both know that 2024 is the year we have to protect democracy, defend abortion rights, save rural health care, and grow rural broadband. One Country Project is not going to let this opportunity pass us by. We are organizing rural voters and helping them lead the fight for our rights this year. Can I count on you to chip in $3 and help us strengthen our rural outreach even more?


Tessa Gould
Executive Director, One Country Project

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One Country

Founded by former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), the One Country Project is dedicated to reopening the dialogue with rural communities, rebuilding trust and respect, and advancing an opportunity agenda for rural Americans. Our mission is to ensure rural America’s priorities and values are heard, understood, well-represented and reflected in policy in Washington.

Your financial contribution supports our work to promote greater opportunities for rural communities.

If you're able, please join our rural champions program by making a recurring gift. Knowing we can count on your gift each month really helps.

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