You can make a difference tomorrow!

Hi John,


It's polling day tomorrow! This is your chance to get more Greens elected by using all 3 votes to vote Green.

Don't fall for Sadiq's line about "letting the Tories in". Vote for what you believe in. Vote Green! Listen to what Zo? has to say about it here.

Greens are currently the third largest group on the London Assembly and with your help we will get even more this time. 11 of the 25 seats are elected under proportional representation so you will make a real difference by voting Green.

Our amazing Assembly members ?Zack Polanski,?Caroline Russell and Si?n Berry with?Mayoral candidate Zo? Garbett (second left)

Thank you again to everybody who is working so hard to get the Green message out. We will have delivered over 1.7 million leaflets across London.

If you want to help on polling day, check out?what local parties are doing and sign up to help. Every hour you can spare will make a huge difference!


Finally, if you're on social media, please share these graphics to increase the buzz around voting Green.?

Thank you so much from all of us in the London 2024 Team,


Ash Haynes, Campaign Manager
Nathalie Bienfait, Campaign Organiser
Matt Edwards, Digital & Strategic Communications Officer

Solace Bolitho, Press Officer
Susan Hunter, London Field Organiser

p.s. can you help us spread the message across London? Donate here to help us reach even more voters!


Promoted by Danny Keeling on behalf of London Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ.