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Adam Schiff for Senate

Hi John,

This May Day, I’m celebrating workers across the country, their struggles, and their progress by pledging that California's next U.S. Senator will be a staunch ally of the labor movement.

I’ve been a strong supporter of workers for a long time.

I launched my campaign at the IATSE union hall in Burbank. I’ve marched alongside countless workers fighting for better wages and protections, including striking actors and writers, SEIU members, and many more. And I’ve fought in Congress to pass legislation to protect workers’ rights to organize their workplace. That’s what I want to talk about today.

You see, a few years ago, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (or PRO Act for short) passed with bipartisan support in the House of Representatives.

But because of Mitch McConnell and the Senate filibuster, the bill never stood a chance of receiving a vote in the Senate.

John, the PRO Act would begin to turn the tide against a decades-long assault on workers’ rights, from so-called “right to work” laws passed by Republican states to the union-busting efforts of some major corporations.

Across the country, from California to Chattanooga, TN, workers are organizing to form unions and bargain for better wages and benefits.

We need to support these workers — and it starts with abolishing the filibuster and passing the PRO Act, so we can send this pro-worker legislation to our most pro-worker president, Joe Biden.

Will you stand with workers across California and this country today by adding your name alongside mine, calling on Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act?


Thanks for adding your name to stand with the millions of working people across our country. I’m grateful for your support.

— Adam

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