BREAKING: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene will force vote to oust Mike Johnson as House speaker next week

John, Republicans are plunging the House into utter chaos (again)! Hear us loud and clear: Republicans absolutely CANNOT be trusted with control of the Majority. That’s why top Democrats have agreed to launch an emergency 500% MATCH – our highest match ever – to TAKE back the House, REPLACE every last extremist Republican with a strong Democrat, and make their chaos and disruption completely BACKFIRE. Will you rush in $15 before the 500% match expires at midnight to help us hand Republicans a HISTORIC defeat? >>

EVERYTHING just changed in the race for the House, John.

FIRST: Republicans REMOVED McCarthy as Speaker for the first time in HISTORY and plunged the House into absolute disarray.

THEN: They elected Mike Johnson – one of the most EXTREME Republicans for Speaker this country has ever seen – after 22 days of utter chaos.

NOW: Marjorie Taylor Greene just vowed to force a vote to REMOVE Mike Johnson as House Speaker NEXT WEEK.

Let us be clear: Republicans cannot be trusted to govern.

John, the world is watching to see how Democrats respond.

So generous Democrats just activated an EMERGENCY 500% match to ensure Democrats have a RECORD-BREAKING fundraising day, RECLAIM the House Majority, and kick Republicans out of power for GOOD. This is the HIGHEST Democratic match we’ve ever offered – but it will only stay open for the next 8 hours. Look, this is our one chance to make Republicans totally REGRET their chaos and incompetence and make sure this embarrassment on the world stage costs every last Republican their seat in this election. Can we count on your $15 before the match expires to make sure Republicans never EVER hold power again? >>

MATCH: 500%





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